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Russia and Iran Trying to Cut Down Turkey's Influence in

Russia and Iran Trying to Cut Down Turkey's Influence in the Middle East

Upon the request of the Iraqi government, Turkish troops were deployed aiming to train Peshmerga and the Iraqi forces. Until now, 2000 soldiers have been trained.

While explaining the latest issue regarding the Turkish troops’ presence in Iraq, Enes Bayraklı stated that they have been there since 1990s and the reasons behind this have been terrorist organizations such as PKK or ISIL. Upon the request of Iraqi government the Turkish troops were deployed aiming to train Peshmerga and Iraqi forces and until now 2000 soldiers have been trained.

Commenting the last behaviors of Iraqi government, Bayraklı argued that both Russia and Iran are involved in the backstage and are pressuring the Iraqi government in order to create tensions between the two states.

Syria and Iraq are examples that show the clash of interests between big and regional powers. Russia and Iran aim to project their power in the region and concurrently they are trying to cut down the Turkey’s influence.