Updating Our Conception of Development

The infinite evolution of the term development continues along with the rapid advancement of technological know-how on the eve of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Updating Our Conception of Development
Industrial Revolution 4 0 and Social Values

Industrial Revolution 4.0 and Social Values

Industrial Revolution 4.0, set to trigger fundamental socio-economic transformations across the globe.


The crux of this study is to identify and draw attention to the problems journalists, who are devoted to the enlightenment of society, experience, and to offer guidance for protecting the freedom of the press in the future.

Since the reversal of recent popular revolutions in the Arab world and the loss of political stability in the wake of several failed states, foreign meddling and proxy wars created a vicious circle whereby radicalism fed instability and instability fed deeper radicalism.

Deep prejudice and the absence of objectivity exhibited by the Western media against Turkey are major problems; but Turkey should never give up in the attempt to remind prejudiced media managers of the fundamental principles of journalism and the simple facts and rules of democracy.

This book presents a comprehensive analysis of the results of the fieldwork by taking into account the main motivations of the people and their perception of the 15th July coup attempt.

The Unveiled Consensus in Turkey

The feeling that has mobilized Turkish society is anti-militarism as much as it is nationalism. In Turkey, today, there are strong uniting motivations, such as anti-militarism, participation in the public sphere, and democratic expectations.

The Unveiled Consensus in Turkey
A Road Map for the Education of Syrians in Turkey

A Road Map for the Education of Syrians in Turkey

The SETA Foundation is especially sensitive on the issue of Syrians’ education and in this study aims to contribute to developing a road map on Syrians’ education and to work against the creation of lost generations.


Below the iceberg, Gülenism has a real face, a dark obscurantist zeal for world domination, in terms of its goals, and the path chosen to achieve them contradicts almost everything that is Western. As this Janus-faced structure of the Gülenists unfolds, the interests and ideals of the West will fall apart.

Turkey was only a step toward a broader goal; the organization will certainly continue to disseminate and realize its messianic purpose from East to West. FETO should be considered a global threat to the democratic world order.

The EU's 3 billion euros of aid to Ankara for Syrian refugees in Turkey is criticized by experts who say that the amount is not even sufficient for covering the education needs of the refugees, let alone their other needs

The EU's 3 billion euros of aid to Ankara for Syrian refugees in Turkey is criticized by experts who say that the amount is not even sufficient for covering the education needs of the refugees, let alone their other needs