The economic transformation in the region will enable effective use of regional resources and ensure sustainable peace and environment of trust.
MoreIf universities want to hold their special positions granted to them by the society, then they must be ahead, not behind, of the society in their search for the truth.
MoreGiven the 2.6 percent growth rate in the first nine months of 2012, the Turkish economy must grow at more than 4 percent in the last quarter to achieve the expected 3.2 percent growth rate in 2012.
That the YÖK and universities have historically remained distant to social demands and failed to meet them is directly related to the fact that these institutions are autonomous and they are not held accountable.
Turkey shouldnt abandon its goal of establishing an alternative rating agency due to Fitchs upgrade.
Even the oldest universities in Turkey are deprived of a fundamental academic culture, universities still discuss higher education issues by shouting slogans and universities tend to be repressive and resist the new.
During a period of crisis and uncertainty in the global markets, Turkey enjoyed both a balanced budget and a healthy environment for investment.
MoreIn contrast to the weaker European economies, neighboring Turkey has managed to recover fast and exhibit positive signs that the economy is moving towards more sustainable growth rates while dealing with domestic vulnerabilities.
MoreWhile Turkey witnessed a marked slowdown in consumption demand in the first quarter of 2012, primary data show signs of a moderate recovery and indicate that the steady increase in export will continue in the second quarter.
As elective courses in the education system increase and become diversified, people have worried that this will weaken the values that hold society together.