The Human Cost: Syria in Crisis and Human Rights

This is a complex conflict; it is not simply black and white. In order to fully understand what is happening in Syria, every aspect of the conflict must be considered including the actors both inside and outside the state.

The Human Cost Syria in Crisis and Human Rights
Syria What's Next

Syria: What's Next?

As so many outside powers have clashing geopolitical, security, and economic interests, what does the road ahead look like for Syria?


Following the leak of the Palmer Report to the New York Times, Turkey declared that it considered the report null and reduced its diplomatic relations with Israel to the second Secretary level.

SETA’s public seminar “Seeking Justice And Accountability: Rights Abuses And The Arab Uprisings” brought together Joe Stork and Jan Egeland of Human Rights Watch to discuss human rights in foreign policy making, and efforts to advocate for human rights and influence regimes like that in Syria which has turned a deaf ear to calls to end the brutal clampdown on demonstrators.

Recent Arab revolutions have brought both opportunities and challenges to Turkish foreign policy. 

Arab Spring has placed Turkey’s proactive Middle East policy at the top of international attention once again.

The New Middle East: One Year After the First Flotilla

‘What are the implications for the Palestinian problem?’ and discuss the New Middle East a year after the first flotilla and in the wake of the Arab Spring.

The New Middle East One Year After the First Flotilla