This report provides a general summary of the roundtable sessions, including the main points of discussion and policy recommendations.
MoreWhat is the significance of the CFE? Which countries suspended or has withdrawn from the CFE? Why did Turkiye suspend the practice of the CFE? Can Turkiye start an armament program exceeding the existing limits of the CFE? What could be the impact of Turkiye’s suspension?
MoreThis report provides a general summary of the roundtable sessions, including the main points of discussion and policy recommendations. Since the Convention was held under the Chatham House rule, the names and affiliations of the speakers are not specified in the report.
What is the purpose of the European Political Community? Is it a realistic proposal? If the Community is formed, how will the EU’s relations with other countries included in the Community be affected? Several experts presented their opinions about these questions for SETA.
Turkey's Middle East Engagements in 2021
What is the discourse of the intervention in the Turkish-flagged vessel ROSELINA-A? Is the operation consistent in terms of military and technical considerations? What could be the outcomes of the operation against the ROSELINA-A?
MoreThe Foundation for Political, Economic and Social Research (SETA) is calling for a collection of scholarly or scientific chapters contributed by authors to compose a book on the “Institutional Racism and NSU Murders in Germany,” which will be edited by its editors who are experienced and highly-esteemed experts in the field of the proposed book.
MoreThe analysis examines the recent maritime boundary delimitation agreement signed between Greece and Egypt, and discusses its implications for the Greek-Turkish dispute in the Eastern Mediterranean.
The analysis concludes by analyzing Turkey’s resurgent ties with the local Muslim communities in the Balkans (Albanians, Bosniacs, and Turks) and emphasizes Turkey’s contribution to regional peace and stability.
We are happy to present the fifth edition of the annual European Islamophobia Report (EIR). The EIR 2019 includes a general assessment of Islamophobia in Europe in the year 2019 and 32 country reports that include almost all EU member states and additional countries such as Russia, Albania, Bosnia Herzegovina, Serbia, Kosovo, North Macedonia, and Montenegro. The EIR 2019 brought together 35 scholars, experts, and civil society activists from various European countries who are specialized on racism and Islamophobia studies.
Islamofobie in Nederland Nationaal Verslag 2018