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“The overwhelming majority of European states do not record Islamophobic incidents as a separate category of hate crime. The recording of anti-Muslim/Islamophobic crimes by the police as a separate category of hate crime is essential to uncover the real extent of this problem and to develop counter-strategies to combat it.
Violent acts are an outcome of the violent ideology of racist dehumanization. Muslims are increasingly becoming victims solely because of their faith.
MoreIslamophobic language by high-ranking politicians, mostly from the far right, normalizes a dehumanizing and racist language when it comes to the por- trayal of Muslims. This reduces the threshold of what is considered utterable and overall acceptable in public discourse and legitimizes discrimination of Muslims as human beings and as citizens.
MoreThe media plays a crucial role in the reproduction and normalization of anti-Muslim racism.
Governments and political parties implement or demand legislations that directly target Muslims as religious subjects, treating them differently than members of other religious communities