Official Islam as a Threat? The Paradigm Shift in Austria’s Security Politics

What is the history of Austria’s security politics vis-à-vis Islam? What are the factors explaining the new security politics? What are the implications of the new security politics? What can be done to counteract this new development?

Official Islam as a Threat The Paradigm Shift in Austria
SETA Brussels 2019 Summer Internship Program

SETA Brussels 2019 Summer Internship Program

SETA is organizing an internship program for motivated undergraduate and graduate students to develop their academic skills and to increase their knowledge of SETA’s current research topics.


What does normalization in Turkish-German relations mean? What are the opportunities and limits of the future Turkish-German relations? What does Turkey expect from Turkish-German relations in this new period?

How can we contextualize the initiative for changing the Qur’an? What are the philosophical bases of this initiative? Is there a genealogical connection to the Islamophobic network? What is the main function of this initiative?

This is the third issue of the annual European Islamophobia Report (EIR) consisting of an overall evaluation of Islamophobia in Europe in the year 2017, as well as 33 country reports which include almost all EU member states and additional countries such as Russia and Norway. This year’s EIR represents the work of 40 prominent scholars and civil society activists from various European countries.

The European Islamophobia Report (EIR) is an annual report, which is presented for the first time for the year of 2015.

When it comes to the Middle East, it has been a common occurrence to witness that Western governments occasionally accuse certain countries in the region of breaching fundamental human rights.

This report presents a general summary of the panel sessions, including the main points of discussion and policy recommendations.