Is it the end of Turkey-US partnership?

There have been a lot of questions about the future of the Turkish-American partnership for the last few weeks.

Is it the end of Turkey-US partnership
Crisis management and the AK Party congress

Crisis management and the AK Party congress

Nowadays, all eyes are fixed on the relations between Turkey and the United States. Against the backdrop of tensions, the Justice and Development Party (AK Party) celebrated its 17th birthday at an event hosted by the Foundation for Political, Economic and Social Research (SETA) on Tuesday.


The anniversary of the brutal Nagasaki attack should be an important reminder for all of us, in order not to allow such a deadly incident to happen again in any part of the world

Netanyahu's greed and the brutality of Israeli security forces will only push Palestinians away from a diplomatic solution. It is the international community's responsibility to create a peaceful environment for a two-state solution

Erdoğan's party manifesto is a turning point for the AK Party's vision, which is adjusting to the country's needs and regional and global changes, according to SETA Istanbul General Coordinator Altun

As the captains of global capitalism gather in the serene surroundings of Davos, they have a mammoth task to figure out how to maintain liberalism's international relevance in a world fractured by hegemonic conflicts and extreme ideologies

Turkey's military action against YPG inevitable

The YPG is the Syrian arm of the outlawed PKK that has been fighting against the Turkish state for years, so it is impossible for Ankara to accept any presence of these militants near its borders

Turkey's military action against YPG inevitable
US losing its best friend during the Cold War period

US losing its best friend during the Cold War period

The end of the Cold War made these realities a little more complicated.


The U.N. vote on Jerusalem that rejected Trump's declaration seems to harm the U.S.'s ties with member countries

The U.S. will recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and move the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. This sparked anger and reactions from the Middle East and Europe, and before the decision, many leaders around the world tried to reach out to the White House to stop the president from declaring his decision.

U.S. and Western Europe are joined at the top of the global pyramid by aspiring emerging powers led by China and India seeking to redefine existing power balances and institutional settings.

The changes in the AK Party as the 2019 elections approach is directly connected with Turkey and the region's transformation

In terms of safeguarding regional stability, the key issue is protecting the territorial integrity of even the most fragile states in the Middle East through collaborative efforts

Turkey's S-400 deal with Russia is not being considered at the level of technicality and politics in Western media but through an ideological framework.

The AK Party has taken sufficient courage from President Erdoğan's return, feeling more confident to renew itself with new reforms for the future of Turkey

Most of the prominent figures in Turkish politics, including former presidents Turgut Özal and Süleyman Demirel, suggested a governmental change in Turkey due to the difficulty in establishing coalition governments in the country.

Needless to say, Trump was proven wrong. nor is there any reason to believe that his predictions will turn out to be true any time soon

There is a message for all in President Erdoğan's criticism of Chancellor Merkel's use of the phrase ‘Islamist terror,' as Muslims are the real victims of the terrorism

We already know that certain people at home and abroad are willing to resort to anti-democratic methods to end Erdoğan's rule.

When it comes to the Middle East, it has been a common occurrence to witness that Western governments occasionally accuse certain countries in the region of breaching fundamental human rights.

In truth, the matter is that Erdoğan and the political party of which he is the leader fit into the center of Turkey's administration and do away with bureaucratic oligarchy.