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The Importance of NATO Summit and Türkiye s Relations with

The Importance of NATO Summit and Türkiye’s Relations with the West

The Assistant Editor of Insight Turkey and Researcher of SETA Foundation, Gloria Shkurti Özdemir attended virtually to Andy Boyns’s news program in A News, to clear the questionmarks about the latest NATO Summit and the trilateral memorandum between Türkiye, Finland and Sweden.

The Assistant Editor of Insight Turkey and Researcher of SETA Foundation, Gloria Shkurti Özdemir attended virtually to Andy Boyns’s news program in A News, to clear the questionmarks about the latest NATO Summit and the trilateral memorandum between Türkiye, Finland and Sweden.

Özdemir clarifies that the memorandums importance for Türkiye is the agreement with two Western states on considering PYD/YPG and FETÖ as a threat to Türkiye’s national security and agreeing on ending their support towards these terrorist organizations. This is the first time after years that Turkey’s threat perception was taken into consideration by the NATO allies and other European nations, Özdemir also mentioned. 

Gloria Özdemir also indicated that the process about Finland and Sweden is a two-step process. The first step is the invitation process and the second one is the approvement process. As Türkiye gets a lot of promises from the Western states, Türkiye still acts septic in these kind of situations, she added. But, she underlined, Finland and Sweden’s presence in the table and signature on the documents while the Russian threat is rising shows us that these two states are giving high importance to the process and they are willing to support Türkiye against these terrorist organizations.

Özdemir also analyzed the Erdoğan-Biden meeting and indicated that most probably the main focus of the meeting will be on a possible agreement about the F-16 jets purchase and the modernization of Türkiye’s existing F-16 jets.