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Nuclear Disarmament and Nuclear Power

Nuclear Disarmament and Nuclear Power

Mr. Blix addressed the present challenges and opportunities on the way toward nuclear disarmament and peace in the world in general, in the Middle East in particular.

Mr. Blix addressed the present challenges and opportunities on the way toward nuclear disarmament and peace in the world in general, in the Middle East in particular.

SETA PUBLIC LECTURE Moderator:       Taha Özhan, SETA Speaker:       Hans Blix Date: 5 Kasım 2010, Cuma Time: 16.00 Venue: SETA Foundation, Ankara  

SETA invites you to participate in public lecture by the head of the UN weapons inspectors in Iraq between 2000-2003, Hans Blix. As a renowned academician and practitioner in the field of nuclear disarmament and nuclear energy, Hans Blix has greatly received the attention of international public when he stated that the invasion of Iraq was highly illegal as his inspectors found no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. In the current international environment where Iran’s nuclear power issue has escalated conflict with Iran, nuclear disarmament is of paramount importance for the peace and stability in the Middle East, a region of dense competition among states for nuclear programmes. Mr. Blix will address the present challenges and opportunities on the way toward nuclear disarmament and peace in the world in general, in the Middle East in particular.

Dr. Hans Blix was born in 1928 in Uppsala, Sweden. He studied at the University of Uppsala; at Columbia University, where he was also a research graduate; and at Cambridge University, where he received his Ph.D. In 1959, he became Doctor of Laws at the Stockholm University, and in 1960, was appointed Associate Professor in International Law. He has an Honorary Doctorate from Moscow State University (1987) and is a recipient of the Henry de Wolf Smyth Award (Washington, DC, 1988). From 1963 to 1976, Dr. Blix was Head of Department at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs and served as Legal Adviser on International Law. In 1976, he became Under-Secretary of State at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs, in charge of international development cooperation. He was appointed Minister for Foreign Affairs in October 1978. From 1961 until 1981, he was a member of Sweden’s delegation to the United Nations General Assembly; and from 1962 to 1978, a member of the Swedish delegation to the Conference on Disarmament in Geneva. He served as Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency from 1981 to 1997. He has written several books on subjects associated with international and constitutional law and was a leader of the Liberal Campaign Committee in favour of retention of the Swedish nuclear energy programme in the referendum in 1980. Dr. Blix was appointed to his present position by the UN Secretary-General in January 2000 and took up his duties on 1 March 2000. He ended his service as Executive Chairman on 30 June 2003 and returned to his native Sweden.


Nükleer Silahsızlanma ve Nükleer Güç

SETA KONFERANS Moderatör:       Taha Özhan, SETA Konuşmacı:       Hans Blix Tarih: 5 Kasım 2010, Cuma Saat: 16.00 Yer: SETA, Ankara

Uluslararası Atom Enerjisi Kurumu eski başkanı Hans Blix, 05.11.2010 tarihinde SETA’nın konuğu olarak “Prospects of Nuclear Disarmament and Nuclear Power” başlıklı bir konferans verdi. SETA Genel Koordinatörü Taha Özhan’ın oturum başkanı olduğu konferansta başta Ortadoğu ve İran olmak üzere dünyadaki nükleer güç kullanımı ve nükleer silah/sız/lanma dengesi tartışıldı.

Hans Blix, ABD’nin Irak’ı işgali sürecinde bu ülkede kitle imha silahları olduğu yönündeki savına katılmadığını ve bu savaşın illegal olduğunu daha önce açıklamıştı. Bu konferansta da benzer düşüncelerini yineleyen Blix, ABD yönetiminden bazı üst düzey kişilerden (özellikle de Pentagon’dan) zaman zaman nükleerle ilgili konularda baskı teşebbüsleri görd&u

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