Does Turkey Need a New Standby Agreement?

Since 1960, nineteen Standby arrangements have been signed. With these agreements, significant progress has been made in Turkish economy: inflation has fallen to the lowest level since 1986, the public debt-to-GNP ratio has been falling, and interest rates have declined rapidly. IMF’s immediate goals concern exchange rate stability and balance of payments, and evaluations of IMF programs tend to concentrate on these two objectives. Yet, whether or not the IMF programs have positive effects on these short-term goals, what ultimately matters is that they induce economic growth and do not concentrate on incomes.

Does Turkey Need a New Standby Agreement
Nuclear Disarmament and Nuclear Power

Nuclear Disarmament and Nuclear Power

Mr. Blix addressed the present challenges and opportunities on the way toward nuclear disarmament and peace in the world in general, in the Middle East in particular.


It would be misleading to interpret the changes in the Arab world as isolated developments taking place in each and every country.

On January 14, 2011, Ben Ali fled Tunisia after 23 years in power, signaling the end of the distorted regional order in the Middle East and North Africa.

America will only then - if indeed it wants - be free from the three answers or the single al-Assad answer outlined above!

Hezbollah will face its real crisis when it completes its transformation from a respected regional actor to a lonely actor.

The Evolution of Turkey's Kurdish Problem

The AK Party's efforts to end the past's military intervention in politics, chauvinism of governments discriminating against Kurdish people, still makes the party the most reformist one in Turkish politics.

The Evolution of Turkey's Kurdish Problem