Arab Spring: A flashback to past 10 years

The wave of democratization, which began with the Jasmine Revolution in Tunisia, took down the authoritarian leaders of Egypt, Libya and Yemen. Whereas the uprising in Bahrain was crushed thanks to Saudi Arabia’s military intervention, Iran and Russia ensured the survival of Bashar Assad’s regime in Syria.

Arab Spring A flashback to past 10 years
US growing isolated in international system under Trump

US growing isolated in international system under Trump

Credibility of US government with a president as 'erratic' as Trump is greatly diminished, says expert


Nowadays, all eyes are fixed on the relations between Turkey and the United States. Against the backdrop of tensions, the Justice and Development Party (AK Party) celebrated its 17th birthday at an event hosted by the Foundation for Political, Economic and Social Research (SETA) on Tuesday.

The ruling Justice and Development Party's (AK Party) policies and experiences from past to present will be discussed in a conference organized by the Political, Economic and Social Research Foundation (SETA) on Aug. 14, the 17th anniversary of the party's founding.

Coup attempt was a lesson for Turkey and no group will be able to repeat it, says vice-chair of Turkey's ruling party

After its foundation in October 2017, the Good Party (İP) has already faced multiple serious crises in the political arena.

DC panel addresses Turkey's July 15 failed coup

Coup attempt was a lesson for Turkey and no group will be able to repeat it, says vice-chair of Turkey's ruling party

DC panel addresses Turkey's July 15 failed coup
Turkey's new Cabinet and the transformation of bureaucratic rule

Turkey's new Cabinet and the transformation of bureaucratic rule

Following President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's announcement of the Cabinet under the new presidential system, Turkey's bureaucracy will also face a major transformation in accordance with the requirements of the new system.


Turkey's upcoming elections remain on the agenda of world politics. While Turkey, as the heir of the Ottoman Empire, seemed to lose her status of being a great state, she has gradually realized her historical role after the end of the Cold War.

Speakers highlight cooperation in the fight against terrorism and media’s characterization of events

Agreement allows SETA to contribute to Anadolu Agency's analyses as well as participate in training courses

Ankara is getting ready for a military operation against the threat of a terror corridor on the Syrian border, dispatching military convoys to southern cities, hitting PKK/PYD targets in Afrin

Political analyst, Nebi Miş, said the AK Party and MHP's possible election alliance is a necessary tactical move with the new presidential system, while the main opposition CHP has failed to create a long-term policy to challenge the other bloc

Rebels counter-attack in fight for Syrian air base

In addition to the Syrian crisis, Ankara and Washington have not been able to come to an agreement on Turkey's possible purchase of Russian-made defense systems.

In the face of two nationalist waves reaching its shores, Turkey must now take well-thought-out steps.

Operation Euphrates Shield, an overdue incursion that ended in success, clearly took the Turkish military's technical capabilities to the next level and strengthened Turkey's ties with local partners

A new report by SETA and Theirworld highlights the need to overcome language barriers and urges for more international aid to sustain the education of Syrian refugees, 41 percent of school-aged children are still not in school

We hope that the findings from this report will help inform Turkish policymakers, school leaders, teachers and partners in the international community as they work together to ensure no refugee child is without education.

Most of the prominent figures in Turkish politics, including former presidents Turgut Özal and Süleyman Demirel, suggested a governmental change in Turkey due to the difficulty in establishing coalition governments in the country.

Although FETÖ has been crippled already, it is not possible to rule out the short- and long-term threats