Crisis management and the AK Party congress

Nowadays, all eyes are fixed on the relations between Turkey and the United States. Against the backdrop of tensions, the Justice and Development Party (AK Party) celebrated its 17th birthday at an event hosted by the Foundation for Political, Economic and Social Research (SETA) on Tuesday.

Crisis management and the AK Party congress
Turkey's new Cabinet and the transformation of bureaucratic rule

Turkey's new Cabinet and the transformation of bureaucratic rule

Following President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's announcement of the Cabinet under the new presidential system, Turkey's bureaucracy will also face a major transformation in accordance with the requirements of the new system.


As the political and social atmosphere in the international system is rapidly evolving in favor of discriminatory figures, the warm meeting between Erdoğan and the pope was extremely valuable

An invisible hand is trying to move Turkey away from Western-oriented organizations such as NATO, yet Ankara should not fall into this trap

Strong economic ties continue to constitute the building block of Turkish-German relations today.

Military interventions that interrupt the normal functioning of democratic regimes and utilize brutal military force to suppress legitimate political authorities and their support base open deep wounds in social fabrics.

The Constitutional Amendment Draft: The End of Debates on Change in the Turkish Political System?

Debate over the government system has occupied Turkey’s political and constitutional agenda for many years. Yet the discussions that have taken place have not, until very recently, progressed beyond the level of popular discourse.

The Constitutional Amendment Draft The End of Debates on Change
5 Questions The July 15 Coup Attempt

5 Questions: The July 15 Coup Attempt

We can say that the organization enacted a three-stage plan on the night of July 15.


How was the coup attempt supposed to work? How did it fail? How did the process of fighting against the coup work?

The coup attempt was unorthodox because it was executed outside of the chain of command, i.e. not by orders from the central command of the Chief of Staff, but rather by military units controlled by Gülenist coup plotters from different divisions within the military

Turkish people from different political backgrounds, President Erdoğan and the government stood in harmony against those who wanted to establish a dictatorship through military power

If Washington wants to protect the Turkey-U.S. alliance, it has to re-evaluate what happened on the night of July 15.

Why did Turkey declare a state of emergency? What does it mean and what are the implications of it? Does the state of emergency mean bypassing the Grand National Assembly of Turkey (TBMM)?

Rapprochement between Ankara and Washington might only materialize if there are tangible steps that indicate harmonization of policies on FETÖ, the PKK and the PYD

This election is shaping and may continue to shape American prestige, standing and image around the world more than any other election before it.

It was a tragic night, it was a fateful night, it was a night that showed so many things about the Turkish people, their bravery, their dedication and commitment to democracy

The Gülenist soldiers who attempted this coup fired on civilians and the state's security forces. In the clashes that occurred, dozens of innocent people lost their lives alongside those who attempted the coup

The Kemalist modernization paradigm influencing Turkey's managerial mind until the 2000s slowly lost its efficacy and, in contrast with this, a perspective of modernization with stronger ties to society and more hybrid forms that offers the establishment of more rational relations with cultural regions outside its own began to come to the fore.

The positive elections campaigns carried out by political parties justify the AK Party's struggle against military tutelage to strengthen the democratization process of Turkish politics

Can the Turkish military be democratic? This is a crucial question for Turkish democracy and by extension for a number of chronic problems which have plagued Turkish society for decades