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Russian Involvement in Syria is a Game Changer

Russian Involvement in Syria is a Game Changer

There is no clear decision from the American side regarding the latest events in Syria, however the Russian intervention has created a complicated picture in the region.

While analyzing the Syrian proxy war, Talha Köse assessed that the situation has changed and will continue to change even more as both US and Russia are part of the conflict. Köse considered the Russian involvement and the troop deployment as a game changer for the whole process.

Moreover, Köse claimed that current events may be counterproductive as Russia is not just targeting ISIS and they try to keep Assad in power at any cost. On the other hand, America supports only PYD leaving aside the other fighting forces which end up being vulnerable to the Russian attacks. The fact that PYD has some relations with Assad, who has coalition with Russia, makes the picture even more complicated with counterproductive results.