Gaza and the collapse of Western normative hegemony
Amid the ongoing conflict in Gaza, a tragic situation unfolds daily, with thousands of civilians losing their lives. This includes the merciless killing of babies and children, the murder of pregnant women and their unborn children, and the targeting of ambulances carrying wounded individuals. Hospitals, schools, and refugee camps have become the target of bombings, while essential services like water, fuel, electricity, and internet access are cut off.
Amid the ongoing conflict in Gaza, a tragic situation unfolds daily, with thousands of civilians losing their lives. This includes the merciless killing of babies and children, the murder of pregnant women and their unborn children, and the targeting of ambulances carrying wounded individuals. Hospitals, schools, and refugee camps have become the target of bombings, while essential services like water, fuel, electricity, and internet access are cut off.
Countless unarmed people are compelled to flee their homes, and in the West Bank, Palestinians face detention. Illegal Jewish settlements are involved in the killing of unarmed individuals, and Israeli soldiers are employing tactics reminiscent of historical injustices, such as the Nazis’ treatment of the Jews.
This brutal and protracted massacre and genocide, which we have been witnessing for the past 35 days, is rationalized as Israel’s exercise of its so-called right of self-defense. Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu employs questionable tactics and rhetoric based on Jewish religious supremacy, finding support in Washington.
Regrettably, a significant number of Western nations, particularly the United States, not only remain silent but also offer substantial support for what Israel defines as its right of self-defense. Mainstream Western media reports these atrocities in a detached manner, with a distinct bias. Babies, children, and women killed in Gaza are labeled as "dead," while those who lose their lives in Israel are described as "murdered." This double standard, hypocrisy, and a dominant discourse that legitimizes Israel’s actions are clear indicators that a "state of exception" has been established for Israel within the international community.
This exceptional status granted to Israel reveals that the repercussions of the Gaza massacres extend beyond geopolitical implications. The 35 days of ongoing events underscore the hollowness of the modern international system’s supposed progressiveness. In other words, it exposes the malignant nature of the linear narrative of history supposedly leading to greater good. The brutality of the war we are witnessing is a stark sign of the erosion of Western normative hegemony.
The modern international system is founded not only on material power but, in 1945, with the establishment of the U.N. system, it sought to build a rule-based international order. By setting up international organizations and defining rules, states committed themselves to preventing conflicts, safeguarding victims from aggressors, and constructing a more peaceful global system. Furthermore, post-World War II, comprehensive documents centered on human rights were created. The objective was to establish a peaceful international order by holding states accountable to these principles. However, the Western nations, the architects of this system, have often failed to live up to these standards. More significantly, they have wielded these institutions as tools to bolster Western hegemony.
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