Normalization to Proceed Despite Terror

Normalization in Turkish foreign policy to proceed despite terrorist attacks

Normalization to Proceed Despite Terror
Turkey-Israel Deal an Opportunity to Resolve Region's Chronic Problems

Turkey-Israel Deal an Opportunity to Resolve Region's Chronic Problems

The Turkish-Israeli agreement, which is a historical step for the region that has reached a dead end, brings many vital projects to better Gazans' lives


European leaders will either choose isolationism based on Turkey fears or re-invent Europe as a multi-cultural home. Unfortunately, the first scenario seems much more likely

The British experience about the separation may generate a model for other Eurosceptics across the continent

Cameron's bold political gamble has backfired terribly with a 52 percent 'leave' vote, which will probably cost him his political career

The lack of clarity about U.S. strategy in regards to its allies will continue to be a destabilizer in the coming period.

From London to Ankara, Europe Is In Trouble

Just like Britain's decision to withdraw from the European Union, Turkey's policies must reflect national interests

From London to Ankara Europe Is In Trouble
Erdoğan Modern-day Genghis Khan

Erdoğan: Modern-day Genghis Khan?

If the Western media genuinely wants to strengthen Turkey's democracy, they should support Ankara's efforts instead of alienating the Turkish people


The spillover of instability from the Syrian civil war into neighboring countries feeds DAESH's strengths, and the chaos in Iraq will see no end until the war in Syria is resolved

After the red line statement in particular, the situation went on to prove that the deterrent power of the U.S. has been significantly reduced

We should counter both the root causes of violent extremism and Western prejudice of Muslim communities

The EIR documents and analyzes trends in the spread of Islamophobia in various European nation states. Every year on the International Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination (21 March), EIR will be published.