Understanding the Ideational Sources of the Terrorist Coup Attempt

How does the Gulenist infiltration strategy work? Have the Gulenists attempted any takeover before? What is the Gulenist link to the failed coup attempt?

Understanding the Ideational Sources of the Terrorist Coup Attempt
John Kerry s First Statement on the Coup Created a

John Kerry’s First Statement on the Coup Created a Huge Skepticism in Turkey

The skepticism is because of Kerry’s first statement. It’s emphasis was continuity and stability but not democracy.


The Gulenist were highly effective in bureaucracy, in media and Gülen is living in the United States and he has been protected by the United States for about fifteen years.

The resistance of the Turks has proven that there is no power stronger than the civilians of a country. The Unarmed Turkish Forces – namely the people of the country – fought and won against NATO’s second largest army.

What the British Conservatives have in mind for the future of Britain - or simply England - seems to be a small trading and financing nation acting as an offshore center for global oligarchs with little regard for democracy, human rights and the rule of law

In the long term, the most important and effective mechanisms to stop this form of violence will be through understanding the roots of recruitment for terrorist organizations

The West's Political Union Is Disbanding

The developments we are witnessing today posits that it is especially for the West that history is beginning again. The West's conventional order is disintegrating; it's political union is disbanding.

The West's Political Union Is Disbanding
Repent Do Not Confess

Repent, Do Not Confess

Western leaders should stop confessing and try repentance instead. The world would be a better place if they refrained from making mistakes on purpose


The race for the presidency in 2016 once more demonstrates this global dimension and the possible impacts of this election on the U.S.'s image and credibility. Since the beginning of the campaign, the world has closely watched the statements of presidential candidates in the primaries

The Chilcott report claims that things in the Middle East would be quite different than the current situation if the U.S. and U.K. decision makers at the time of the Iraq war had pursued a logical strategy

As we celebrate Ramadan Bayram under the shadow of coordinated DAESH terrorist attacks across the Muslim world, it is crystal clear that both the waves of terrorism accomplished with false Islamic rhetoric and a perverted approach to religious teachings pose an existential problem to Muslims

It is important to develop a comprehensive strategy against the terrorist group that involves multiple dimensions to stop its recruitment, finance and outreach and defeat it militarily