Vice President Biden's Visit to Turkey

Biden's visit can bring many good things and opportunities for bilateral relations if the U.S. can show support for Turkey and Turkish people. It is an era that will stay in the memories of the people for many years.

Vice President Biden's Visit to Turkey
What Is the Relationship between US and the PKK

What Is the Relationship between US and the PKK?

The PKK is systematically moving the civilian massacres it has been carrying out in the aftermath of the FETÖ coup attempt under the guise of the TAK in the country's west to eastern and southeastern Anatolia


As long as Gülen finds shelter in the U.S., the FETÖ will continue to motivate its base to organize new assaults

For the last 15 years, in each and every one of Turkey's foreign policy openings, it has become commonplace for certain experts to interpret them as a turning away from the West or an ideological reorientation.

If European leaders had given the strong support Putin gave on the night of July 15, we would today be talking about a "Turkey-EU spring" instead of the "second spring" of Turkey and Russia

Turkish-Russian relations can simply be defined as the normalization of relations and rapprochement between two states after the downing of the Russian jet in Turkey

Fethullah Gülen and the United States

The U.S. has been defending the coup plotters so desperately that one can't help but wonder why they won't stop supporting FETÖ

Fethullah Gülen and the United States
A Call for Sobriety to Europe

A Call for Sobriety to Europe

A point that has become very clear after July 15 draws my attention, as the anti-Turkey campaign have already ceased to be run by AK Party opponents in Germany and Austria.


If Washington wants to protect the Turkey-U.S. alliance, it has to re-evaluate what happened on the night of July 15.

We must categorically reject stereotyping that tries to portray Erdoğan as a typical Middle Eastern autocrat and Gülen as a progressive Muslim leader

Gülen continues to play his last trump card, which claims that Erdoğan is a dictator, by saying that his movement still has value for the West and, for this reason, he should not be extradited

For what it is worth, the Western antagonism did nothing but further unite the Turkish people. Today, the people are aware of their power and this has made them stronger than ever; a notion that the West has long taught but little supported.