Agreement, Arrangement and Optimism

Syrian regime is a regime that uses multilateral meetings and initiatives to gain time and build more capacity to continue to follow its policies of destruction

Agreement Arrangement and Optimism
Why is Turkey eager to liberate Raqqa and Mosul

Why is Turkey eager to liberate Raqqa and Mosul?

Turkey has no choice but to implement a counterterrorism policy capable of addressing region-wide challenges related to the de facto unification of Syria and Iraq.


This time, Turkey participated in the G20 summit in a far more strong and self-confident mood than in previous years.

U.S. presidential candidates should note what was discussed in the meeting between Turkish and U.S. leaders at the G20 summit. They may soon desire better relations with Turkey

The most significant humanitarian crisis since World War II has taken place in the middle of the Middle East. The world will remember this with three different pictures of war.

U.S. President Barack Obama once said during an interview that he resented President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan because he did not employ his great army to fight DAESH.

5 Questions: Operation Euphrates Shield

Constitutively, the “Euphrates Shield” operation had two phases. The first phase aimed to liberate several villages and areas in the west and south of Jarabulus in order to be able to lay siege to the city. In the second phase, an offensive attack enabled the entrance of the aforementioned forces to the city center.

5 Questions Operation Euphrates Shield
Turkey Firmly Enters the Syrian Theater

Turkey Firmly Enters the Syrian Theater

The increasing intensity of terrorist attacks on Turkish soil by both DAESH and PKK operatives demonstrate that Turkey's entrance in Syria will create shockwaves by the illicit structures on the ground.


Hitting DAESH targets in northern Syria, Turkey destroys the hopes of those who have been using the region through the terror organization as a basement to carry their deadly policies

U.S. Vice President Joe Biden's upcoming visit will hardly be enough to fix Washington's relationship with Turkey. Moving forward, U.S. officials have to convince Turks that they are willing to work together with Ankara in the fight against the PKK/PYD and FETÖ.

The frequency of these attacks shows the determination of these groups to terrorize the Turkish people and destabilize the country.

Rapprochement between Ankara and Washington might only materialize if there are tangible steps that indicate harmonization of policies on FETÖ, the PKK and the PYD