US Elections and American Future

This election is shaping and may continue to shape American prestige, standing and image around the world more than any other election before it.

US Elections and American Future
US-Turkey Whose Axis is Shifting

US-Turkey: Whose Axis is Shifting?

If the conditions are favorable, Turkey might follow the course of military cooperation with Russia until the end, regardless of whatever reactions it bears the brunt of from the NATO side.


The election in the U.S. is usually on domestic politics but the world is also watching and the foreign policy debates in the U.S. continue to grow increasingly shocking to the rest of the world

President Erdoğan once again succinctly criticized global inequalities and mentioned the lack of access to energy in different parts of the world and how this lack brings with it serious crises

Omitting Turkey from Iraqi agenda or placing the country into a secondary position due to the pressure from Iran will not create a new and peaceful Iraq

The massacre in Aleppo will be talked about in the future as a crime committed with contributions by onlookers like the international community.

Congress in Istanbul Provides Major Platform for Global Energy

The highlight of the congress will be Vladimir Putin's meetings with President Erdoğan and the messages that they will prefer to convey public opinion "between the lines.

Congress in Istanbul Provides Major Platform for Global Energy
Without Turkey the Mosul Operation Cannot Succeed

Without Turkey, the Mosul Operation Cannot Succeed

Turkey is the only reliable country in the fight against Daish in the region. Iraq's objection to Turkey's military presence in Bashiqa only allows the terror organization to act more freely


The worst is yet to come: We need to figure out who will replace Daish and what they are planning to do with the territories under their control

A shadow government is rising in the United States to undermine the Constitution. The American people deserve better

It's important to keep in mind that it isn't just U.S. citizens who are unsure about America's new role in the world.

The next U.S. administration will be a new reset, perhaps a new Cold War, that is not so much nuclear - despite Putin's threats - but rather is cyber and may be more about Syria