Trump and China

Analysts that haven't seen such Trump's suprising diplomatic style in international relations, cannot comment on the future of the frozen US-China relations

Trump and China
Europe's Leadership Crisis

Europe's Leadership Crisis

The latest political news show that the biggest problem in the West is the increasing trend of populism rather than racism, xenophobia and Islamophobia


A potential disengagement over the fate of the refugee deal could create additional problems for Ankara and Brussels alike. Moving forward, European leaders have to stop bashing Turkey and cease their support for terrorist groups targeting Turkish citizens

Globetrotting may make Japan more visible up to a certain point. More important is discussing and debating the potential options in foreign policy.

Last week, Tokyo's hosting a convention to discuss the Islamophobia danger is a promising development for a better world

Defining Erdoğan's political vision, which has found a wide response in Turkey, as "ethnic or Islamic nationalism," is a big mistake. Erdoğan's political vision could be described as "civic nationalism" at best.

Why Does Turkey Care About Mosul?

Turkey is seeking to protect its economic and political interests in northern Iraq while fighting against PKK and ISIL.

Why Does Turkey Care About Mosul
Why Is Erdoğan Disillusioned With the West

Why Is Erdoğan Disillusioned With the West?

A quick look at the West's treatment of Turkey over the past decade reveals that Mr. Erdoğan's disappointment isn't some emotional reaction but a structural transformation already underway


The reason for the current situation between Turkey and the EU is not the personal approaches of Erdoğan or European politicians. It has more structural reasons

If the Trump administration wants to normalize the U.S.'s relations with Turkey, it has to focus on taking steps to end the lack of 'trust' between the two countries

The kind of foreign policy the new U.S. administration adopts will be the new topic of debate with Donald Trump's presidency

The EU countries failed to deal with domestic challenges, and the rise of cultural and moral crises