The Orlando Shooting and DAESH's Future

While the mass shooting in Orlando puts Clinton in a tight corner, it gave Trump a great opportunity to continue his horrific rhetoric

The Orlando Shooting and DAESH's Future
Reliability of US as A Partner

Reliability of US as A Partner

Washington's Syria policy has led regional actors to question the U.S.'s credibility and reliability and who is friend or foe, engendering more negative sentiments toward the U.S. in the Middle East


The spirit of Ramadan teaches us to stand firm, keep our cool, persevere in the face of difficulty and multifaceted attacks as a nation in solidarity

In the next six months this political tension can be elevated by the candidates and have serious societal repercussions, possibly leading to the emergence or empowerment of marginal and radical groups.

The German resolution does not help in the improvement of the relations between Turkey and Germany; it only encourages Armenia to deny any possible discussion with Turkey.

Merkel's gamble on the Turkey-EU deal resulted in Germany's diplomatic deadlock. From now on she will have to work hard to avoid losing Turkey's friendship

1915 Events, Shared Pain, Common Future

The Armenian genocide debate will only end if Armenians and Turks remember their peaceful, shared history in Anatolia

1915 Events Shared Pain Common Future
Turkey Iran And Public Opinion

Turkey, Iran And Public Opinion

While Iran's regional ambitions and increasing involvement in Middle Eastern countries is a great obstacle to building on Turkish-Iranian relations, policymakers should not underestimate the importance of energy and economic relations between the two countries


Germany recognizing the 1915 Armenian incidents as genocide is another strategic move to push Turkey in a corner for the sake of the EU, with no regard for the chaos in the Middle East - proof that the EU is ideologically blind

Seeing U.S. soldiers cooperate with the PKK's Syrian wing, the PYD, while the PKK was killing Turkish soldiers, will have serious long-term challenges for U.S. public diplomacy in Turkey

While conducting their campaigns, U.S. presidential candidates should not ignore that the upcoming elections in the world superpower has a global effect

To be clear, Ghannouchi's identification of Ennahda as a movement of Muslim democrats represents an alternative to violent groups, including al-Qaida and DAESH, which exert considerable influence over young people.