Gezi and Paris: What Goes Around, Comes Around

The French labor unions are on the streets of Paris, on the anniversary of the Gezi Park protests in Turkey, protesting President François Hollande's controversial infringements on labor rights

Gezi and Paris What Goes Around Comes Around
The Russian Enigma

The Russian Enigma

The Russian government started to follow policies that resulted in significant problems and challenges for the Western world and international community in different regions. With the rapid changes in the Middle East following the beginning of the Arab Spring, Russia's foreign policy started to demonstrate signs of a return to its default setting.


There will be five issues on the agenda of the summit, including preventing and ending conflict, respecting the rules of war, leaving no one behind, working differently to end need and investing in humanity.

The main problem with the Sykes-Picot debate is that commentators tend to exaggerate the influence of great powers over the Middle East – which borders on conspiracy theory.

The future of the Middle East region relies on the support of mainstream, democratic and non-violent groups.

American allies, facing a fluid and ambiguous policy from the U.S., hope for a more honest approach with clear-cut objectives from the next administration

How Obama's Failed Syria Policy Is the Next Guy's Problem

The Obama administration, having rejected the safe zone and other policies that could have helped moderates, seems intent on aggravating instability by supporting the YPG

How Obama's Failed Syria Policy Is the Next Guy's Problem
Is the Spirit of Sykes-Picot Still Alive in the Middle

Is the Spirit of Sykes-Picot Still Alive in the Middle East after a Century?

The conditions of the Sykes-Picot agreement are no longer valid, but the spirit of the agreement is still alive.


The tactical divergences between Turkey and the U.S. concerning Iraq, Iran and Syria have caused significant friction between the two allies in the past decade

Unwilling to take up an effective role in finding a political or military solution to the Syrian crisis, the EU and U.S. have to follow Turkey's lead

Turkey’s reaction to Sisi was due to the military coup as well as the bloody and suppressive methods used against opposition groups by him.

Obama's foreign policy team overplayed the anti-Bush card while trying to avoid making the same mistakes as the previous administration.