Erdoğan's US Visit Rejuvenates Turkey's Middle-Power Politics

Turkey's ascendancy as a middle power and regional play-maker in the Middle East went pretty well up until 2011 but has faced multifaceted difficulties and challenges afterward, especially in the wake of the escalation of the Syrian civil war.

Erdoğan's US Visit Rejuvenates Turkey's Middle-Power Politics
Islamophobia Skyrockets in Europe since Charlie Hebdo Attack Report Says

Islamophobia Skyrockets in Europe since Charlie Hebdo Attack, Report Says

A recent report by SETA puts forth a detailed profile of steeply rising Islamophobic incidents in 25 European countries as terrorism and Islamophobia trigger each other


Erdoğan is expending great effort to further develop Turkish-U.S. political relations and strengthen economic relations between the two countries.

Erdoğan adopted a reconciliatory tone in Washington to convey the message that he was interested in addressing the pressing problems in Turkish-U.S. relations.

Anti-Muslim racism is spreading and becoming a tool of antagonist politics, sensational journalism and religious exclusivism across Europe, shows the latest European Islamophobia Report

Although both are NATO members in the international coalition against DAESH, the U.S.'s insistence on supporting the PYD and YPG, which Ankara deems terror organizations, instead of Turkey, harms the trust between the two countries

Kalin: “Anti-Muslim Rhetoric Only Serves DAESH”

Anti-Muslim racism is spreading and becoming a tool of antagonist politics, sensational journalism and religious exclusivism across Europe, shows the latest European Islamophobia Report

Kalin Anti-Muslim Rhetoric Only Serves DAESH
Brussels Turkey and Europe's Shared Destiny

Brussels: Turkey and Europe's Shared Destiny

The scandal was not just a failure of European intelligence services either, as it relates to a broader lack of coherent counterterrorism policy across the continent, which needs to be addressed by taking European-wide security cooperation to the next level.


The Report is an annual report, which is presented for the first time this year. It currently comprises 25 national reports regarding each state and the tendencies of Islamophobia in each respective country.

The PYD does not represent the whole Kurds living in the north of Syria and, in fact, a large group of Kurds, escaping from PYD, fled to Northern Iraq, Muhittin Ataman said.

Russia wouldn't want to lose face in Tehran despite having bowed to Israeli pressures to limit their support for Bashar Assad and Hezbollah. Willing to do anything to weaken the Assad regime and Iran, Israel openly supports a federal solution.

SETA organized a panel on Monday and presented the "European Islamophobia Report 2015" with the participation of presidential spokesman İbrahim Kalın.