The Illusion of Change In Iran

At the regional level, Iran will continue to aggressively pursue opportunities to increase its influence, at least until Turkey and Saudi Arabia, which are distressed by U.S. President Barack Obama's Middle East policy, are no longer troubled U.S. allies.

The Illusion of Change In Iran
Racing the Clock Obama's Plan B in Syria

Racing the Clock: Obama's Plan B in Syria

The Obama administration, knowing that the cease-fire would not last, started talking about Plan B in order to strong-arm Moscow into some kind of commitment.


Syrians are being devastated at the hands of the actors whose foreign policies, that are far from humanity, have been failing since the start of the civil war

The U.S.'s assumption that Syria's YPG will contribute to the international coalition in the fight against DAESH will put the U.S. into trouble due to the terror organization's separatist strategy in northern Syria and southeastern Turkey

The open support the U.S. is giving to a terrorist organization in Syria that has been active in Turkey for the last 30 years is creating serious questions in the minds of Turkey's political elite

PYD terrorist group supports Assad regime in attempt to benefit from Syrian civil war, says SETA.

Syrian Crisis and Turkish Politics

The strong criticism of Ankara's Syria policy is unfair when Turkey is the only country using military power in northern Syria solely to secure its national rights and borders.

Syrian Crisis and Turkish Politics
Ankara Attack and YPG Connection Another Bekaa or Qandil In

Ankara Attack and YPG Connection: Another Bekaa or Qandil In Syria?

For the last two years, there has been an increasing attempt by the YPG to take advantage of the situation in northern Syria and move its resources to these lands.


The foreign forces providing both political and military support to terror organizations or keeping silent in the face of their terrorism in the region are as responsible as the YPG for the Ankara massacre.

Turkey seems unwilling to tolerate the situation in Syria any longer precisely because the creation of a PYD-controlled area across the southern border could create a long-term national security threat.

It is well-known that the YPG is tactically used by the PKK as an integral part of its irregular warfare strategy both in terms of man power band military equipment in the fight against the Turkish Armed Forces in eastern Turkey.

Since 2011, Turkey refused to act opportunistically in Syria unlike the Assad regime, Iran, Russia, the PYD and the United States. Today, the country's position remains the same.