2015 and International Security

2015 saw many incidents that are likely to continue in 2016, revealing the ineffectiveness of international and national security systems in preventing new threats like cyberattacks and showing countries that they need to update their security infrastructure to deal with 21st century threats.

2015 and International Security
Asia-Pacific in 2016

Asia-Pacific in 2016

The most critical question about security in the Asia-Pacific region will continue to be the crises between China and its neighbors in the East China Sea and the South China Sea.


We will most probably continue to have more information about Syria policy in the next few years, and these new accounts will enable a better analysis of the policy of the Obama administration since the beginning of the crisis.

Civil wars in Syria and Iraq are reshaping the Middle East, followed by issue-based alliances, thinking ahead and working on multiple scenarios.

The fact that regional powers have been able to create a modest framework alone deserves some credit. They could, after all, help develop an Islamic language to discredit radical groups' terrorist agendas.

The Kremlin's declaration that Russia will continue its airstrikes carried out in the name of fighting DAESH, but in reality are targeting the moderate groups in Syria, and the U.S. administration's inconsistent statements about the Assad regime make the future of the country more ambiguous.

The Future of the Crisis Between Russia and Turkey

The crisis between Ankara and Moscow that started after Turkey shot down a Russian fighter jet that violated Turkish airspace is about to enter a critical phase.

The Future of the Crisis Between Russia and Turkey
Fight Against DAESH After 16 Months

Fight Against DAESH After 16 Months

The U.S.'s failed strategy to fight DAESH, which shares outrageous similarities with al-Qaeda, despite the differences between those times and today, showing the state is taking no lesson from former experiences.


Phillip Roth in one of his novels, "The Plot Against America," tells an alternative history about the United States before and during World War II, ruled by an anti-Semitic president who praised Hitler's government.

To cover his relation with DAESH, which came to light when Turkey downed the Russian jet for violating its airspace, Putin, with false evidence, accused Turkey of supporting the terror organization.

Upon the request of the Iraqi government, Turkish troops were deployed aiming to train Peshmerga and the Iraqi forces. Until now, 2000 soldiers have been trained.

On 10-12 June 2015, a convention of Balkan think tanks was organized by the SETA Foundation, with financial support of the Turkish Prime Ministry Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities (YTB). During the event, researchers from Balkan think tanks discussed various political issues faced by the region and Turkey. This report summarizes the remarks made during the workshop sessions.