One Way Ticket for Aleppo

Bullying Turkey through the proxy of regime forces and PYD militants won't make Ankara adopt an isolationist stance either. Integrating 3 million Sunni Arabs, after all, will only strengthen Turkey's ties with the Middle East.

One Way Ticket for Aleppo
Who is Shaping US Policy In Syria

Who is Shaping US Policy In Syria

Currently, it is has started to be perceived that in the eastern part of the Syria, YPG operations are increasingly shaping U.S. policy.


Western actors especially should consider revising their positions on Syria and the refugee crisis before exerting pressure on Ankara, which has already taken in 2.7 million refugees and spent $9 billion for their care.

The words "We ask God to rescue us from this suffering. I'm 53 years old and have seen enough.