Turkish American Community Should Engage More in American Politics

American administration does not want a serious role in Iraq anymore, at least not under Obama's leadership. The next president should volunteer to make serious political investments and be a sponsor for the political rapprochement in Iraq. Without a rapprochement in Iraq and Syria, the chaos will continue and ISIS will make use of it to last longer.

Turkish American Community Should Engage More in American Politics
Where Are We in the Syrian Crisis

Where Are We in the Syrian Crisis?

Turkey is the country to have most directly experienced the effects of the Syrian civil war, which allows terrorist organizations such as the PKK and ISIS to further expand their terrorist attacks within the country


EU countries have now realized the threat of the Syrian refugee crisis reaching their borders, which Turkey has been warning them about since the beginning, and thus have come to solve the problem through working with Ankara.

In his latest interview with Obama on ‘60 Minutes', asking questions about fighting ISIS, the train-and-equip program and Russia's military involvement in Syria, Steve Kroft tried to drive the president into a corner

The growing power of the PKK and the PYD in northern Syria will remain a source of tensions between Turkey and the U.S. until Washington starts to understand what exactly concerns Ankara

The political and economic foundations of New Turkey are not crumbling; in fact they have proved resilient and continue to withstand multiple challenges. The social fabric proved resistant against divisive political rhetoric and provocative calls for mass revolts against the public order.

Amnesty's New Report and the Situation in Northern Syria

The latest report by Amnesty International about a new wave of the forced displacement of the people in PYD-controlled areas reveals the lack of human security in the region

Amnesty's New Report and the Situation in Northern Syria
ISIL's Main Aim is to Create Instability in Turkey

ISIL's Main Aim is to Create Instability in Turkey

Taking in consideration the geographical position of Turkey and the number of refugees that reside in Turkey, security faces many difficulties, but this does not undermine the hard work of the government.


"The Syrian Crisis After the Russian Intervention," panel organized on Monday by the Ankara-based think tank Foundation for Political, Economic and Social Research (SETA).

The Russian actions in Syria took place in a period of the transformation of the international system. It is a period of post-unipolarism in which the U.S. no longer sufficient power to shape the politics and economy of the entire world.

The reason behind Washington's silence over the latest reports, claiming that Russia's bombings in Syria were not against ISIS troops as Putin claims, but against Syrian moderate groups whose weapons are supplied by the CIA, still remains a mystery.

Foes in the Ukrainian crisis, allies in the Iran Nuclear Deal and Syrian conflict: The relations between the U.S. and Russia are the greatest symbols of the paradigm-realism allowing states to look at the world with an ego