Turkey's Future in the Region

Turkey is today in a very critical location due to multiple, evolving threats on its borders.

Turkey's Future in the Region
China's Dubious Relationship With Islam

China's Dubious Relationship With Islam

Despite all of its efforts to launch an active integration with the West, China's bad reputation regarding its treatment to the Muslim community in the Xinjiang Region grows bolder.


This paper explores the ups and downs of Turkish-American relations since 2003 and seeks to explain why these last two years have brought serious strain on the Ankara- Washington relationship.

Hoping that the PYD will deal with ISIS in the region does not seem to be realistic and, furthermore, could generate further destabilizing ethnic tensions in the region.

It is really hard to understand what the Chinese government tries to accomplish with its holy wars against various religious practices.

An ancient Chinese saying goes “May you live in interesting times” which, could describe the dramatic developments that we witnessed this week concerning two key political figures from Egypt and Turkey, former Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi and longtime Turkish politician Süleyman Demirel.

Egypt two years after the coup

After two years of political suppression, nobody was surprised by the recent decisions of the military junta courts to sentence Morsi and other prominent members of his party to death. It was something that was to be expected by such a regime.

Egypt two years after the coup
Turkey Worries about the Fragility of the Ethnic Balance in

Turkey Worries about the Fragility of the Ethnic Balance in Northern Syria

Murat Yeşiltaş stressed that Turkey is mainly concerned about the fragility of the ethnic balance in Northern Syria and does not want to see any possible armed conflict between Kurds and Arabs.


There will be no major impact on the relations between Turkey and Europe because Turkey will still be a democratic country with a democratically elected leader.

The fight against ISIS needs to have well-designed, articulated and comprehensive strategies that will include what do on the day after the projects are completed.

The Arab Spring represented the hope of democratization across the Middle East. Had the Tahrir revolution survived, the Muslim world could have had an entirely different future.

In the aftermath of nuclear talks between Iran and P5+1 countries, the U.S. is facing a more complicated relationship with Gulf countries. It seems that the Camp David summit was not very successful in refreshing Gulf countries' confidence in the U.S. as a diplomatic ally.