Can Obama Persuade Gulf Nations?

So far the Obama administration's Middle East policy ignited the polarization between Gulf nations and Iran further. Thus, it remains a big challenge for the U.S. to end regional turmoil through diplomatic means anytime soon.

Can Obama Persuade Gulf Nations
The Reliability of the US as an Ally

The Reliability of the US as an Ally

The U.S. has failed to display a consistent stance on several regional issues in the Middle East including the Syrian crisis. Because of these failures many foreign capitals have begun to question the U.S.'s reliability as a diplomatic ally.


The earthquake in Nepal revealed how the country neglected to take the necessary precautions for such a disaster. This should urge other countries in Asia to initiate a long-term preparation plan for natural disasters.

In this report, we provide an overview of the situation of refugees in Turkey and the difficulties that Turkey is facing in handling such a major crisis alongside of its Southern border.

The future of Turkish-Serbian bilateral relations was discussed at a conference entitled "Turkey and Serbia in the 21st Century" in Belgrade, Serbia.

As the Middle East continues to be dominated by age-old rivalries, unresolved conflicts and protracted ethno-sectarian traumas, the epicenter of global hegemonic competition has shifted to the Asia-Pacific, where China and the U.S. are involved in a multipronged struggle for political, economic and geostrategic domination.

The Statement of Condolences and Potential Reconciliation

Turks and Armenians have lived side by side for hundreds of years in peace and harmony. Today, Turkey and Armenia need to realize that it is in their best interests to revive their relations and form neighborly ties with each other

The Statement of Condolences and Potential Reconciliation
Overcoming Sectarian Tensions in the Middle East

Overcoming Sectarian Tensions in the Middle East

Turkey seeks to find a way out of sectarian clashes to mobilize support against ongoing attempts to divide the Islamic world amid conflicts in the Middle East


The situation of Uighurs in China shows that what Assad did in Syria does not stay in Syria. Methods of repression spread and embolden other regimes. If this is not be stopped it will become a model for other oppressive governments around the world

The timing of the critical visit by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to Tehran this week corresponded with a very sensitive regional and international conjuncture.

Last week the U.S. lifted its arms embargo on Egypt that was imposed after the military coup. After changing its tone regarding Assad in Syria, the U.S. is again sacrificing possible peace in the region in exchange for short term gains and interests

Today, Turkey follows a regional policy in conjunction with bilateral cooperations on certain issues. We cannot isolate Mr. Erdoğan's criticism of Iran and the meeting agenda from the broader context.