Syria After the Meetings in Cairo and Moscow

If on the other hand the goal of the hosting countries is to end the diplomatic isolation of Russia and Egypt, it will again not provide positive results for these two countries.

Syria After the Meetings in Cairo and Moscow
Can a Nuclear Deal Lead to Turkish-Iranian Cooperation on Syria

Can a Nuclear Deal Lead to Turkish-Iranian Cooperation on Syria?

There is an incentive for Iran and Turkey to cooperate on Syria, as both countries are faced with a huge burden from the fallout from the conflict. If they can identify issues they agree on, they can work toward an eventual resolution.


“The choice of a far right partner for the coalition gave a signal that Syriza is not interested in compromise,” Dr. Griogriadis said.

Dr. Tsarouhas comparing fiscal policies in Germany, France, Italy and Greece, said German Chancellor Angela Merkel does not want the Grexit (Greece Exit) from the Eurozone.

Adopting a foreign policy with reference to ‘strategic patience,’ Washington’s current stance against ongoing conflicts continues to create new problems for the region as well as at the global level

As an emerging power from the Middle East and North Africa, Turkey must be more visible in Latin America and we very likely will be.

Putin in Cairo, Sissi in Ecstasy

Through this visit, the two countries also tried to demonstrate that they have different options for strategic partnerships outside of the Western world.

Putin in Cairo Sissi in Ecstasy
Reasons Behind Syria's Escalating Crisis

Reasons Behind Syria's Escalating Crisis

The Syrian crisis has created a new cold war environment that calls on countries to take sides. This new environment has given rise to a state of "inaction" which has worked well for the Assad regime.


Nobody can justify terror but the root cause is a reflection of a western-centric discourse and is extremely worrying. Defending freedom, human rights, and dignity of people requires sincerity and it cannot be hidden under the guise of political projects.

In response to the most recent developments, foreign fighters became a top priority for the intelligence community in Turkey and other European countries.

Egypt represents the heart of the Arab world. The country has the potential to create new regional trends in terms of the balance of power in the Middle East and the transformation of Islamic movements.

Just like President Obama, the American public also stands against another war in the Middle East.