Never Let a Good Crisis Go to Waste

It is not a secret that the year 2014 did not see the best period in relations between the U.S. and Turkey.

Never Let a Good Crisis Go to Waste
The Interview With Assad

The Interview With Assad

The latest interview with President Assad seems interesting and important, especially in the way that it remarkably unveils his world and how he sees Syria’s future.


After the death of King Abdullah, the Saudi royal family could face several challenges in the future and a power struggle as palace intrigue could emerge.

After saying, "Assad must go," the administration did a minimum to achieve this goal.

Many people are expecting an explanation from Secretary Kerry in regards to his statements about Syria.

Turkey assumes a leadership role by promoting dialogue, common thinking, solidarity and integration among Muslims.

Japan After the Elections

After winning a snap election, Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe got approval for his aggressive economic policies, however he also faces very important social and diplomatic problems.

Japan After the Elections
Building a New Universal

Building a New Universal

In order for Islam to bring peace to humanity, it is vital for Muslims to create a new definition of ‘universal’ and avoid corrupting the religion’s universal message.


So, while market-based explanations try to present historical dynamics and highlight various aspects of a complicated development, conspiracy theories offer clear simplicity and elegance.

What we desperately need at this point are inclusive policies to curb the influence of radical interpretations of religion.

The Paris attack seems like a strategic strike aimed to sharpen the existing polarization both in France and Europe in general.

The attack in Paris signals a potential dangerous escalation, which if not contained could play a very destabilizing role in Europe.