What Happens When the World Realizes the Superpower's Foreign Policy Problems?

Entering the last two years of the Obama administration, it is not very difficult to say that foreign policy has not been its strongest point.

What Happens When the World Realizes the Superpower's Foreign Policy
The World's Pivot to Asia

The World's Pivot to Asia

Tensions in the Asia-Pacific region and the absence of effective mechanisms to resolve the differences among the actors, demonstrates that there is always a danger that tensions will escalate and to turn into a major crisis.


This is an analysis that sees the success of the radical right not only as a critical challenge to, but also as a complex problem of, ‘mainstream’ politics and society.

While trying to understand the causes and outcomes of the war in Iraq, the U.S. administration will need to deal with these multiple challenges and evolving situation on the ground at the same time.

There is no doubt that addressing the problem of the parallel structure, an organization no state would possibly tolerate, represents an absolute necessity for Turkish democracy.

In a world where boundaries are so transparent and economic and social lives are so closely connected we have many reasons to be pessimistic regarding how epidemic outbreaks can be prevented.

The New Regional Order and Turkey

Discursive criticisms targeting Turkey since day one of the uprisings in the Middle East may be categorized under three headings: Discourses claiming that Turkey acts ideological, the discourse of “precious loneliness”, and the irrationality discourse.

The New Regional Order and Turkey
Foreign Policy and Ideology

Foreign Policy and Ideology

As long as the AK Party remains in charge of Turkish foreign policy, the national conversation pertaining to these issues will remain ideologically charged.


In order to preserve the warm atmosphere between Greece and Turkey, the two countries need to develop networks of social and cultural dialogue and strengthen economic cooperation.

The primary source of the Uighur refugee problem is the situation in China and without some significant steps in line with the demands of society, this problem will continue to grow in the coming years.

If anyone actually thought that the Arab revolts, the most recent wave of change in the Middle East, would allow Iran and Israel to put pressure on the region, though, time has proved them wrong.

It is imperative to rethink how to frame security around the question of Israel-Palestine within policy-making circles.