Subcontracting repression in the West Bank and Gaza

There can be no security for Israel if Palestinians do not have their basic rights.

Subcontracting repression in the West Bank and Gaza
International Bias Fed by Internal Opposition

International Bias Fed by Internal Opposition

The AK Party's opponents at home (i.e. leftists, secularists, Gülenists and Kurdish radicals) made notable efforts to help Turkey's image at the international level worsen.


Vice President Joe Biden's visit to Turkey will mark an important turning point in relations between the U.S. and Turkey.

What are the sources of recent unrest in East Jerusalem? What does Israel want to achieve? How is this received by Palestinians? What is a proper course of action by the international community?

It is quite ironic that a supposedly pro-Western opposition seeks to undermine the possibility of Turkey's critical integration into the West.

Turkey will enjoy the opportunity to bring its own policy priorities as well as the priorities of developing countries across those areas to the attention of the leaderships of 20 major world economies.

Persecuting Palestinian, Judaisation of Jerusalem

Israel has emerged unchallenged despite the level of its impunity this year. This evasion speaks to the international pattern where state officials' voice outrage against its impunity but do not follow up with concrete sanctions.

Persecuting Palestinian Judaisation of Jerusalem
Security Sector Reform and the Arab Spring

Security Sector Reform and the Arab Spring

What is the role of the Security Sector in triggering the Arab-Majority Uprisings? What kinds of obstacles is Security Sector Reform facing? What steps need to be taken in order to facilitate Security Sector Reform?


When has the PKK and the PYD’s relation with the Asad Regime started and how has it evolved? Why has ISIS begun to target the PYD? What are the possible implications of the fall of Ayn Al Arab?

Tunisia and Morocco have improved their standards of democracy and positively responded to the demands of their people throughout the Arab Spring.

When the Islamic State of Iraq and al-Sham (ISIS) emerged on the international public scene, the Syrian regime achieved multiple strategic goals at the same time.

Political scientists from Turkey and Morocco gathered to analyze the issues that both the region and the two countries face.