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PKK PYD attacks towards Turks and Turkish buildings in Europe

PKK/PYD attacks towards Turks and Turkish buildings in Europe

PKK/PYD attacks towards Turks and Turkish buildings in Europe from 01.01.2017 to 15.03.2017

PKK/PYD attacks towards Turks and Turkish buildings in Europe from 01.01.2017 to 15.03.2017 PKK/PYD ATTACKS ON TURKS AND TURKISH BUILDINGS IN EUROPE FROM JANUARY 1 TO MARCH 15, 2017
  1. On January 18, PKK/PYD militants attacked the Turkish Consulate General in Zurich (Switzerland) with fireworks.[1]
  2. On January 18, PKK/PYD militants attacked the DITIB Central Mosque of Bochum (Germany); the assailants wrote hate messages on the walls such as “PKK” and “Revenge.”[2]
  3. On January 22, PKK/PYD militants broke the windows of the Alperen Association’s buildings in Munich (Germany) and wrote hate messages on the walls such as “PKK” and “Apo” (the nickname of Abdullah Öcalan, the historical leader of the terrorist group PKK).[3]
  4. On January 25, unknown assailants attacked the headquarters of the Union of European Turkish Democrats (UETD). Windows and the entrance door were severely damaged.[4]
  5. On February 5, DHKP-C militants attacked the external walls and courtyard of the Turkish Consulate General in Komotini (Greece) with bottles containing red and black paint.[5]
  6. On February 15, two masked PKK/PYD militants threw bottles of paint on the external walls and courtyard of the Turkish Embassy in Stockholm (Sweden).[6]
  7. On February 16, unknown assailants attacked the DITIB Central Mosque of Wuppertal (Germany) and wrote anti-AKP messages on the wall.[7]
  8. On February 27, unknown assailants attacked the buildings of the Turkish-German Friendship Association operating in the city of Offenbach (Germany). Windows were broken.[8]
  9. On March 10, unknown assailants projected a giant picture of the Turkish President Erdogan depicted as Hitler with a Nazi swastika accompanied by the slogan “No” on the walls of the Turkish Embassy in Berlin (Germany).[9]
  1. On January 17, unknown assailants broke the door and windows of Sultan Murad Mosque, a mosque affiliated with the Turkish-Islamic Union for Religious Affairs (DITIB), in Essen (Germany).[10]
  2. On January 20, after having held a demonstration at the general train station of Frankfurt (Germany), PKK/PYD militants were verbally and physically aggressive towards Turkish passengers.[11]
  3. On January 21, PKK/PYD militants attacked Sultan Alparslan Mosque, a mosque affiliated with the Turkish Federation, in Kassel (Germany).[12]
  4. On January 22, unknown assailants broke down the garden door and shattered the windows of the Turkish Consulate General in Salzburg (Germany).[13]
  5. On January 22, PKK/PYD militants attacked the Youth House of the Green Mosque Association, affiliated with the DITIB, in Minden (Germany) with stones and bags containing paint. They wrote hate messages on the walls such as “Afrin” and “Revenge.”[14]
  6. On January 22, PKK/PYD militants attacked the DITIB Eyüp Sultan Mosque in Leipzig (Germany). They broke the windows and wrote hate messages on the walls such as “PKK,” “YPG” and “YPJ.”[15]
  7. On January 22, PKK/PYD militants attacked the DITIB Barbaros Mosque in Minden (Germany). They broke the windows and wrote hate messages such as “Afrin’s Revenge.”[16]
  8. On January 22, PKK/PYD militants organized an illegal protest at Frankfurt Airport, verbally insulting Turkish citizens at the Turkish Airlines’ desk.[17]
  9. On January 22, PKK/PYD militants verbally attacked travelers who were waiting in front of Turkish Airlines’ desk at Terminal B of Hannover Airport.[18]
  10. On January 22, PKK/PYD militants attacked a mosque affiliated with the Foundation Geylani Hizmet in Rotterdam (Netherlands). They wrote hate messages on the walls such as “Afrin,” “Apo” and “PKK Youth.”[19]
  11. On January 23, PKK/PYD militants wrote pro-PKK messages on houses in the Turkish area of Stuttgart (Germany).[20]
  12. On January 24, PKK/PYD militants attacked the house of a Turk and destroyed his car in the region of Normandie near Paris (France).[21]
  13. On January 24, PKK/PYD militants in Offenbach (Germany) attacked the Dr Sadık Ahmed Mosque, a mosque affiliated with the Turkish Federation. They caused severe damages to the building.[22]
  14. On January 24, PKK/PYD militants verbally and physically attacked members of the Union of European Turkish Democrats (UETD) in Dortmund (Germany) while they were giving a press conference on the Olive Branch Operation.[23]
  15. On January 24, PKK/PYD militants attacked the DITIB Eyüp Sultan Mosque in Frankfurt (Germany). They wrote hate messages on the mosque’s door such as “PKK,” “Revenge” and “Afrin.”[24]
  16. On January 24, PKK/PYD militants attacked the car of Ilhami Oguz, the leader of the UETD Niedersachsen and a resident of Hannover (Germany).[25]
  17. On January 24, 40 militants of the PKK/PYD attempted an attack on the Turkish Embassy in Dublin (Ireland).[26]
  18. On January 25, PKK/PYD militants sprayed hate messages such as “Afrin” and “Revenge” on the walls of the DITIB Ulu Cami Mosque in Stade (Germany).[27]
  19. On January 25, PKK/PYD militants wrote insulting messages on the walls of the DITIB Halle Saale Mosque in Hannover (Germany).[28]
  20. On January 26, PKK/PYD militants attacked a Turkish association in Stuttgart (Germany).[29]
  21. On January 26, after having organized a demonstration on the streets of Amsterdam (Netherlands), PKK/PYD militants attacked a Dutch taxi driver of Turkish origin.[30]
  22. On January 26, PKK/PYD militants damaged the building of the Netherlands-Azerbaijan-Turkey Culture Association in The Hague (Netherlands).[31]
  23. On January 28, PKK/PYD militants attacked the building of the UETD in Stockholm (Sweden) and wrote hate messages on the walls such as “Afrin,” “Apo,” “PKK,” and “YPG.” [32]
  24. On January 28, PKK/PYD militants attacked a mosque affiliated with the Milli Görüş movement (IGMG) and wrote hate messages on the walls such as “PKK,” “YPG” and “We will come back.” [33]
  25. On January 30, unknown assailants tried to set fire to a service car of the Turkish Consulate General in Zurich (Switzerland).[34]
  26. On January 31, PKK/PYD militants broke the doors of the IGMG Aachen Mosque in Aachen (Germany). The wrote numerous messages on the windows and tried to bring down the mosque sign. [35]
  27. On January 31, PKK/PYD militants attacked the IGMG Yeni Cami Mosque in Viersen (Germany). They wrote hate messages on the windows such as “Stop shipment of your weapons” and “Afrin is not alone.” [36]
  28. On February 1, PKK/PYD militants occupied the Utrecht train station (Netherlands) for spreading their propaganda. They attempted to attack some Turks but were stopped by the police.[37]
  29. On February 2, after having held a demonstration on the streets of Salzgitter-Lebenstedt (Germany), PKK/PYD militants attacked a Turkish family that was passing by. [38]
  30. On February 2, unknown assailants attacked the DITIB Türk Şehitlik Mosque in Berlin (Germany). [39]
  31. On February 3, PKK/PYD militants attacked Turks in a marketplace in Rotterdam (Netherlands). [40]
  32. On February 3, unknown assailants broke the windows of a car owned by an official of the Turkish Consulate General in Stockholm (Sweden). [41]
  1. On February 4, PKK/PYD militants wrote threats, insults and hate messages on the house walls of Ali Tetiki, the director of the DITIB Halle Saale Mosque in Hannover (Germany). [42]
  2. On February 5, after having held a demonstration on the streets of Odense (Denmark), PKK/PYD militants attacked Dilara Güler, a 21-year-old Turkish woman, after she showed her disapproval. [43]
  3. On February 5, PKK/PYD militants wrote Islamophobic messages on the walls of the DITIB Halle Saale Mosque in Hannover (Germany). [44]
  4. On February 7, after having held a demonstration on the streets of London (UK), PKK/PYD militants attacked a couple of Turkish origin. [45]
  5. On February 7, PKK/PYD militants reflected laser rays on the walls of the DITIB Central Mosque in Cologne (Germany) projecting political messages through metaphorical pictures such as German and Turkish tanks or the representation of the DITIB as a Trojan horse.[46]
  6. On February 14, PKK/PYD militants wrote hate messages such as “PKK” and “Apo” on the Selimiye Mosque’s door in Mainz (Germany) – a mosque affiliated with the Association for European-Turkish Union (ATIB). [47]
  7. On February 14, PKK/PYD militants wrote the name of PKK leaders on the walls of the Mainz Eyüp Sultan Mosque in Mainz (Germany) – a mosque affiliated with the Turkish Federation. [48]
  8. On February 16, two persons were arrested for preparing an attack on the Turkish Embassy in Stockholm (Sweden). [49]
  9. On February 17, PKK/PYD militants who were holding a demonstration under police control injured 4 Turkish citizens in Marseille (France) after causing trouble in a Turkish area of the city. [50]
  10. On February 19, unknown assailants set fire to a car owned by the DITIB directorship in Berlin (Germany). [51]
  11. On February 27, unknown assailants attacked the Turkish Embassy in Berlin (Germany) with red, green and yellow paint. [52]
  12. On March 8, PKK/PYD militants threw Molotov cocktails on the IGMG Akşemsettin Mosque in Lauffen am Neckar (Germany). [53]
  13. On March 11, PKK/PYD militants attacked Turkish travelers in an illegal protest at Düsseldorf Airport (Germany). [54]
  14. On March 11, unknown assailants set fire to the DITIB Koca Sinan Mosque in Berlin (Germany). [55]
  15. On March 11, following a demonstration on the streets of Hamburg (Germany), PKK/PYD militants threw stones at the Turkish Consulate and damaged the street pavement. [56]
  1. On March 11, unknown assailants set fire to the workplace of a Turkish citizen – Murat A. – who resides in Marignane (France).[57]
  2. On March 11, PKK/PYD militants threw Molotov cocktails on the building of the Turkish-German Friendship Association in Meschede (Germany). [58]
  3. On March 11, PKK/PYD militants threw Molotov cocktails on the police station close to the Turkish Consulate General in Thessaloniki (Greece).[59]
  4. On March 12, following a demonstration on the streets of Berlin, PKK/PYD militants attacked Turkish citizens who were waving Turkish flags from their apartment. [60]
  5. On March 12, unknown assailants broke the windows of the DITIB Ulu Cami Mosque in Itzehoe (Steinburg, Germany). [61]
  6. On March 12, PKK/PYD militants threw Molotov cocktails on the building of the Turkish Culture Association in Ahlen (Germany) and wrote “PKK” on cars.[62]
  7. On March 12, unknown assailants set fire to a supermarket owned by Hasan Doğan, a Turkish citizen residing in Hemshof, the Turkish area of Ludwigshafen (Germany). [63]
  8. On March 13, PKK/PYD militants severely damaged the DITIB Eyüp Sultan Mosque in Cologne (Germany). They also wrote hate messages relating to Afrin on the walls. [64]
  9. On March 13, unknown assailants threw Molotov cocktails on a newsstand owned by a Turkish citizen in Garbsen, an area of Hannover (Germany). [65]
  10. On March 13, unknown assailants threw Molotov cocktails on a cell phone shop owned by a Turkish citizen in Garbsen, an area of Hannover (Germany). [66]
  11. On March 13, unknown assailants threw Molotov cocktails on a greengrocery owned by a Turkish citizen in Itzehoe (Steinburg, Germany). [67]
  12. On March 13, PKK/PYD militants attacked the Turkish restaurant Türkiyem in Berlin (Germany), throwing stones and breaking windows. [68]
  13. On March 13, PKK/PYD militants in Darmstadt (Germany) attacked a supermarket owned by Hasan Timur, a German citizen of Turkish origin, causing damage to the building with paint. [69]
  14. On March 14, PKK/PYD militants set fire to a car owned by an official of the Turkish Consulate General in Paris (France). [70]
      2017 STATISTICS
Country Number of Attacks
Germany 6
Sweden 1
Greece 1
Switzerland 1
Month Number of Attacks
January 4
February 4
March (March 1-15) 1
Target Number of Attacks
Diplomatic Mission 4
Civil Society Organization 3
Mosque 2
    2018 STATISTICS By Country
Germany 42
Netherlands 5
France 6
Sweden 3
Switzerland 1
Austria 1
Ireland 1
Denmark 1
United Kingdom 1
Greece 1
  By Month
January 27
February 16
March (March 1-15) 19
Target Number of Attacks
Mosque 20
Diplomatic Mission 8
Civil Society Organization 9
Others 25
    COMPARISON: In the same period, i.e. from January 1 to March 15,  the number of PKK/PYD attacks on Turks and Turkish buildings in Europe rose 589% between 2017 and 2018.     [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] [14] [15] [16] [17] [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] [26] [27],4gJqtiTENkeVMgyJ68WJsw [28] [29] [30] [31] [32] [33] [34] [35] [36] [37] [38] [39] [40] [41] [42] [43] [44] [45] [46] [47] [48] [49] [50] [51] [52] [53] [54] [55] [56],GN8aic6Qy0-Khu5joJRrlA [57] [58] [59] [60] [61] [62] [63] [64] [65] [66] [67],itzehoe284.html [68] [69] [70]