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World with no system norms or hegemon

World with no system, norms or hegemon

The current international system, which was already quite vulnerable, has totally collapsed after Israel's genocidal policies and the unconditional support of Western governments for the ongoing genocide committed by Israel. Despite the intensifying global rivalry, there was still some hope for the consolidation of the norms-based international system. At least, many states have declared their determination to take effective measures against the rising unconventional global threats such as climate change, environmental problems, irregular and illegal migration, food and water shortage, drought, failed states, cyber threats and violent nonstate actors.

The current international system, which was already quite vulnerable, has totally collapsed after Israel's genocidal policies and the unconditional support of Western governments for the ongoing genocide committed by Israel. Despite the intensifying global rivalry, there was still some hope for the consolidation of the norms-based international system. At least, many states have declared their determination to take effective measures against the rising unconventional global threats such as climate change, environmental problems, irregular and illegal migration, food and water shortage, drought, failed states, cyber threats and violent nonstate actors. However, the United States government’s transformation of its embassy to Jerusalem and its recognition of the Israeli annexation of the Golan Heights, contrary to the main principles of international law and the United Nations Resolutions, has paved the way for other global actors to take similar illegal steps and thus undermine international principles. After Israel and its supporters, Western governments crossed all red lines, while other states resorted to the use of violence against weaker actors. The Russian invasion of Ukraine is such a development. No Western government has the right to criticize the Russian Federation and President Vladimir Putin for the invasion, as long as they remain silent about the Israeli genocide against the Palestinian people. Not to say that, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, the leader of a state invaded by another state, clearly declares it support for the Israeli atrocities. If he continues to support the Israeli occupation of Palestine and the mass killing of Palestinians in Gaza, he cannot expect world public opinion to oppose the Russian invasion of Ukraine. He directly cuts the branch that it sits on. Sooner or later, India or China can take similar steps in their near abroad. India has already started to take important unilateral steps in its domestic politics. Many observers have begun to question the diversified nature of Indian democracy, claiming that it is already under threat of a radical ideology. Considering the close relations between the Indian government and Israel, it is obvious that they are inspired by each other. Similarly, since no state wants to be left behind, and just as Russia occupied the Crimean Peninsula, China and some other countries may soon attempt some similar annexations.

Echoes of history

The current scene is quite similar to the period of imperialist rivalry in the last quarter of the 19th century, which led first to World War I and then to World War II. If the current trend continues with the very same logic, a similar fate will await us. It seems that the current leaders of the global powers will continue to exploit the chaotic international atmosphere. However, all their policies will have the opposite effects and will eventually harm their national interests. Therefore, the leaders of great states must come to their senses, and act responsibly and rationally. There is no winner of the current game played by the global powers. Everybody knows that a systemic war will bring a mutually assured destruction. No state can escape from the destructive results of the power politics game. All in all, there is nothing that can explain the reasons why the Western governments provide unconditional support to Israel and defend its crimes against humanity. This is why, the people and groups who represent reason in the West are raising their voices against their own government’s support for Israel. In today’s heavily interconnected and interdependent world, there is no way out but to rely on international norms and principles, which is the main demand of people worldwide. Everyone has to stand up against the destructive policies of their own government. If global public opinion does not prevent radical and irrational governments from committing crimes and violating international norms, we will all lose. Today, the whole of humanity is going through a difficult test regarding what is happening in Gaza, and we have to pass this test. [Daily Sabah, February 28, 2024]
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