Ramadan, Gaza and anti-Islam sentiment

Friday marked the fifth day of Ramadan. Unfortunately, there is still no cease-fire in Gaza, and Israel continues to kill Palestinians waiting for food supplies. Earlier this week, Israeli troops killed six Palestinians and injured 83 others as they waited in line to receive a bag of flour. That was not the first time, and it won’t be the last.

Ramadan Gaza and anti-Islam sentiment
What does the Biden-Netanyahu spat signify

What does the Biden-Netanyahu spat signify?

U.S. President Joe Biden recently said that they are working on a six-week emergency cease-fire, describing Rafah as a red line. Yet Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu reiterated his commitment to conduct military operations in that area. The Israeli army perpetrating atrocities in Rafah, where 1.4 million Palestinians have been starving during Ramadan, would be a new source of shame for the world and the Muslim community. Since the U.S. exerts greater influence over Israel than any other nation, one cannot help but keep an eye on the Biden administration's (in)action.


For the past five months, Israel has been targeting the innocent people of Gaza, with the United States and most Western governments continuing to mobilize their resources to support Israel’s brutal attacks against Gaza. By now, the attacks have become Israel’s longest intensive military operation against the Palestinians. On the one hand, while the Palestinian people are at their most vulnerable position and facing genocide, hundreds of millions of people around the world are chanting their just cause. On the other hand, as Israel continues its longest and most brutal attacks against the Palestinians, it has lost legitimacy not only in the eyes of the international community but also in the eyes of most of its supporters. It seems that this is the main paradox of post-Oct. 7.

President Biden publicly revealed his disagreement with Netanyahu over the Gaza issue in his 'red line' statement over the weekend. Biden stated that a military operation into Gaza was a red line for the Rafah that Netanyahu had planned. Facing heavy criticism from his own base for not calling for a ceasefire for a long time, Biden finally started to mention a ceasefire. On the other hand, by stating that he would never abandon Israel, Biden showed that his red line was not that strict. He also said that Netanyahu's policies were harming Israel. While expressing his intention to continue financing defense systems like Iron Dome, which protect Israel, Biden also mentioned that they could not tolerate the deaths of another 30,000 Palestinians and urged Netanyahu to be careful about the deaths of innocent civilians. It is no coincidence that Biden is making such statements at this stage of his presidential campaign, as the message of the Democratic electorate in Palestine was clear after the primary results.

The current international system, which was already quite vulnerable, has totally collapsed after Israel's genocidal policies and the unconditional support of Western governments for the ongoing genocide committed by Israel. Despite the intensifying global rivalry, there was still some hope for the consolidation of the norms-based international system. At least, many states have declared their determination to take effective measures against the rising unconventional global threats such as climate change, environmental problems, irregular and illegal migration, food and water shortage, drought, failed states, cyber threats and violent nonstate actors.

The Western governments continue to give unconditional support to Israel. The Western military, political, diplomatic and economic support is not for the security of Israel but for the continuation of the Israeli genocidal atrocities against innocent civilians. The United States and other Western countries are complicit in Israel's genocide crime. Everybody knows well that without the support of the West, Israel cannot attack Palestinians and cannot continue its expansionist and colonial settlement policies.

What did Israel destroy in Gaza?

What has been 46 days since the beginning of Israel's unrestrained and inhumane attacks against the innocent people of the occupied Gaza Strip. Receiving unconditional support from Western powers, Israel has crossed all red lines from the beginning of its attacks. So far, Israel has killed more than 13,000 Palestinians, and wounded more than 30,000 people in Gaza. More than 6,000 Palestinians are still missing, most of which remained under the rubble.

What did Israel destroy in Gaza
The role of Israel in US Middle East strategy

The role of Israel in US Middle East strategy

Former President Trump's Middle East policy was extremely pro-Israel. Trump declared Jerusalem as Israel's capital to satisfy his evangelical base, arguing that Israel could normalize relations in the region without solving the Palestinian issue through the Abraham Accords. He presented the "Deal of the Century," a plan largely based on Israel's priorities, promising economic investments for Palestine.


The United States has shown a close and dangerous interest in Taiwan in recent years in order to break the power of China, with which it is in global competition in almost every field, and to confine China to the Indo-Pacific region. If the two great powers with nuclear weapons try to solve this problem with war, of course, it will lead the whole world to disaster. However, according to the Realist school in the International Relations literature, it is thought that these powers will not directly attempt war, based on the prediction that if a nuclear power attacks another nuclear power, both sides will be destroyed. Based on this thesis, we can say that the probability of a direct U.S.-China war is unlikely.

U.S. officials have warned Beijing by leaking to the media that China is considering giving military aid to Russia, including heavy weapons, kamikaze drones, and other weapons.

The opposition appears to have been apologizing for Türkiye’s foreign policy in response to the various forms of criticism that the Western media printed about the country in recent years.

The nuclear showdown between Russia and the West deepened concerns around the world.

‘If not stopped, the next phase of the war in Ukraine will spread to other countries’

Erdoğan gave a speech on five key messages on the top items on Türkiye’s foreign policy agenda to clear up people’s confusion

The renewed Taiwan crisis, which is at the core of the hottest developments to arise in the U.S.-China rivalry, has revealed the great power struggle between Washington and Beijing

As the great power competition gains momentum, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan meet his Russian counterpart, Vladimir Putin, in Sochi. The items on today’s agenda include the grain corridor, Ukraine, Syria and bilateral relations, starting with economic cooperation.

The opposition has been criticizing the memorandum that Turkey signed with Sweden and Finland at the NATO summit in Madrid. Their main argument is that the government bowed to pressure and made concessions.

Considering that there will certainly be fresh crises in the future just like the recent one in Al-Aqsa, Ankara and Tel Aviv should focus on ways to overcome the serious tests through diplomacy

Despite all their humanitarian rhetoric, Western countries insistently refrain from participating in the peace process to end the Russia-Ukraine war

Neither Russia nor the West has the right to determine the fate of the Ukrainian people and the state

This study presents the views of leading experts on NATO’s emergency summit.