The Gender Card In the Security Apparatus of the Israeli Occupation

The gender card in international aid is not a novel factor, especially when it comes to the Security Sector Reform (SSR) in which the PSF training programmes fall.

The Gender Card In the Security Apparatus of the Israeli
The Structural Tendencies of Voting Behavior

The Structural Tendencies of Voting Behavior

It is necessary to contemplate and understand why, in the face of such radical changes, Turkey's political map, party choices have remained the same.


Seymour Hersh's recent piece on the chemical attacks in Ghouta, Syria last August, has again sparked debates regarding his story and the problems with it.

The international community must agree to take in more Syrian refugees and provide additional funds to help neighboring nations cope with the crisis

Turkey’s political interest in Africa has also prompted a diplomatic expansion. Turkey has increased its number of embassies on the continent from 12 in 2002 to 34 in 2013.

The criminalization of the Gülen Movement in the context of the struggle with the parallel structure might conclude with the other-ization of the movement.

The AK Party and the Elections

The AK Party has become the primary party in all seven regions in Turkey. It was able to go toe to toe with the CHP in the Aegean region - due to alliances between the CHP and MHP.

The AK Party and the Elections
Great Power Brings Great Responsibility' Rwanda Remembered

'Great Power Brings Great Responsibility': Rwanda Remembered

In addition to sounding very familiar within the emerging norm of R2P (Responsibility to Protect), this feeling of responsibility also constitutes a significant but ignored pillar of great power legitimacy in international relations.


The MHP's inability to create a presence in metropolitan cities was the main cause of the party's dismay on March 30.

Turkey's local elections which looked more like parliamentary elections are finally behind us. Never had an election season in the country's history been so aggressive and tense.

One of the most significant elections in Turkey's recent political history is over. These are the first elections after the Gezi Park incidents of last year and the Dec.17 operation against the government and the last elections before the first direct presidential elections will be held.

In the post-election period, Turkey has already entered a new era of high economic growth and robust political stability, thus restoring its decade-long virtuous circle.