Voter Behavior In Turkey And The Local Elections On March 30

One of the reasons why political jargon is framed as if it were a general election is because of the Dec. 17 operation that caused local elections to be pushed out of its normal process.

Voter Behavior In Turkey And The Local Elections On March
Serbia's State Crisis An Advantage For Vucic

Serbia's State Crisis An Advantage For Vucic

The decision to go to early elections offers an undeniable opportunity for Serbia's most important political figure, Serbian Progressive Party (SNS) leader and Deputy Prime Minister Aleksandar Vucic, to finally take control of the country's administration.


In other words, extra-parliamentary forces working against the government have effectively resulted in Erdoğan's association with democracy, the ballot box and popular will.

The crisis in Ukraine is yet another serious test of U.S. leadership in terms of its international alliances, guarantees and assurances.

Despite both his practical and theoretical incoherence, Erekat wants Palestinians to see his decisions to continue negotiations as some kind of sacrifice worthy of popular recognition and a future autobiography of his "parcours."

What is more important is that if the struggling actors switch to embracing and democratic statements, it is possible they will have already lost credibility in the eyes of the public.

The EU's Turkey Policies: Promotion of Democracy vs Interventionism

While Islamophobia and conservative governments in Europe may be discouraging, Turkey must work with proponents of a more balanced relationship

The EU's Turkey Policies Promotion of Democracy vs Interventionism
Turkish Economy Taking Stock of the Last Decade

Turkish Economy: Taking Stock of the Last Decade

Turkey successful combination of fiscal discipline and welfare policies yielded desired results. The next step forward requires more R&D spending


The Justice and Development Party (AK Party), with the elections on March 30, will have run in a total of eight elections since its founding. If the polls and the rallies are any indication, it seems that AK Party will prevail once again.

Among observers of the historical trajectory of global capitalism, it is conventional wisdom that successful "developmental alliances" require common visions and strategic partnerships between key state agencies and large-scale business interests.

The Dec. 17 operation transformed the local elections into a vote of confidence for the AK Party government. March 30 is no longer about municipalities and town councils but Mr. Erdoğan's political future

Western governments' indifference toward Russian advances in Syria and elsewhere helped boost Russia's self-confidence over the last three years