How Will Nationalist Voters React to Dec 17?

Identifying the Dec. 17 operation as an attack against the AK Party government by the Gülen Movement, conservative voters are likely to rally behind the Turkish prime minister in upcoming local elections. Consequently, the controversy might increase the ruling party's popularity among its core constituencies

How Will Nationalist Voters React to Dec 17
March 30 Local Elections

March 30, Local Elections?

After the Dec. 17 operation, the local elections that are supposed to take place on March 30 have come to mean much more than local elections.


The upcoming election is a crucial moment for the AK Party, needed to highlight the support of the people in the party's mission to promote political stability while fighting this new tutelage

The Palestinian cause has always been somewhat internationalized, however, frequently this support fails to spur action and holds actors involved in sustaining Israeli apartheid

The international community will have to address Iran's role in the Syrian conflict one way or another and a truly lasting resolution will depend on Tehran's behavior as much as that of the Assad regime

The Gülen Movement represents an informal political force in Turkey that holds the country’s political leadership at gunpoint.

Turkey's New Political Economy

Turkey's strategic journey towards a more developed, democratic and prosperous future will continue regardless of conjunctive challenges.

Turkey's New Political Economy
The Eavesdropping Scandal

The Eavesdropping Scandal

We must question how a list that lumped together these individuals - who, even if they committed crimes, would never join forces or commit the same crimes - came into being.


The new normalization necessitates a paradigm shift in the nature of relations. The international system, the region and Turkey witnessed major transformations in the last 10 years which will impact Turkish-Israeli relations.

Turkey made significant changes to its political regime while the political mainstream rapidly changed hands. Now the great debate is to find concrete answers to existential questions.

On Dec. 17, 2013, an operation in which a group of irrelevant files of investigations and names were merged was carried out with the joint efforts of prosecutors and the police.

Despite the lengthy history of the Kurdish question, the persistent coexistence of various political approaches failed to create a mutually acceptable term to describe the issue at hand.