Shall We All Be Grateful to the White Turks?

Shall we all be grateful to the so-called "White Turks" for making lucrative gains over the course of Turkey's global economic integration and paying considerable amounts of tax to the state in return?

Shall We All Be Grateful to the White Turks
The Longest Year 2014

The Longest Year: 2014

Ever since the general elections of June 12, 2011, even without knowing how exactly events would unfold, it was not difficult to see that 2014 stood to become a very difficult political long year.


Turkey is faced with a public diplomacy problem which it has never faced before in all of its history: A diasporic opposition that is hierarchically organized and ruled from the USA.

The domestic identity of the Russian people plays an important role in determining the role of Russia in the international system. Their dream for their future will play an important role in determining the future of Russian foreign policy.

It may be too late for this to succeed, but there does not seem to be a better option unless, of course, the international community is prepared to let the Syrian opposition fail.

The geopolitical complexities of the Arab awakening are impacted by developments in Syria and Turkey's relations with Iran and Gulf countries.

Turkey and the US: Facts and Perceptions

In contrast, analyses on Turkish-American relations keep an eye on concrete policies - which results in a highly visible discrepancy between the two views.

Turkey and the US Facts and Perceptions
No Way Back From Reformism

No Way Back From Reformism

A critical political juncture in the wake of presidential and general elections will be held within less than a year.


The Ak Party which integrated a discourse of civilization with Erdoğan's leadership, has the courage to confront all fears of the history of Turkish modernization.

The Gülen movement is trying to sell its version of a snapshot of Turkish politics alongside the Kemalists. Those who are willing to take up the role of the “native informant” certainly find a number of venues in which to perform in Washington D.C.

Turkey viewed the Arab awakenings as a positive development for both the region and for itself.

As PM Erdoğan emerged as a front runner in the upcoming presidential race in August 2014, opposition parties continue to resist any meaningful debate about the country's political system.