ISIS and the Geopolitics of Iraqi Oil

No need to say that this will create a substantial additional bill for energy-dependent countries like Turkey, and multi-pronged strategies shall be prepared beforehand to ensure energy security.

ISIS and the Geopolitics of Iraqi Oil
Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu The Involuntary Frontman of a Half-Hearted Alliance

Ekmeleddin İhsanoğlu : The Involuntary Frontman of a Half-Hearted Alliance

Keeping all above-mentioned scenarios in mind, the only certain thing about the upcoming presidential election is that the main opposition CHP's decision to endorse a candidate with no ideological affinity to the party organization will result in a prolonged controversy.


Since the beginning of the American occupation, Turkey has consistently been one regional actor that has been most supportive of Iraq. It has consistently exerted the most effort towards Iraq’s consolidation.

The regional actors are roughly divided into two camps. All regional administrations, except Turkey, are fighting – over each other – to extend the life of the Sykes-Picot order.

It will again depend on the Maliki administration to turn this situation to its advantage. Changing track and following a more inclusive policy and an attempt to win hearts and minds of people in Iraq will be his best chance to stay in power.

The difficulty with dealing with ISIS is also partly because of its demographics which has a lot to do with the use of multiple strategies.

The Rise Of ISIL: A New Era in the Middle East

Anti-democratic, authoritarian pro-Western regimes hindered political participation and representation to create a hospitable environment for radical organizations.

The Rise Of ISIL A New Era in the Middle
The Politics of Monetary Policy and the Interest Rate Debate

The Politics of Monetary Policy and the Interest Rate Debate

Such a development will prevent the recurrence of current debates on the conduct of monetary policy and place it on a firm socio-political footing.


Reviewing and questioning policies is a level that can improve Turkey's democracy. It could even prompt reactions and expectations from pro-government groups.

The attack on Mosul and the fall of the second-largest city in Iraq may also have some serious consequences regarding the future of international and regional relations in the region.

Multilateralism, in the absence of a clearly articulated policy goal and willingness for international leadership, will not achieve results by itself.

The developments in Egypt over the last year demonstrate how some segments of society can be equally responsible for the tragedy taking place in this country.