Israel's Moment of Madness

Almost every Zionist practice that Palestine has had to endure bear either direct or symbolic resemblance to Nazi policies.

Israel's Moment of Madness
Pass the Salt Obama

Pass the Salt, Obama!

The US president’s appeasement of Israel would shame his former dining partners, whose own stories capture America’s problematic relationship with the Middle East.


Turkey showed great political leadership and pushed for accelerated integration with her Middle Eastern neighbors up until the explosion of the Syrian War and the military coup in Egypt.

The hundreds of policemen who were arrested on July 22 tell a valuable story about the past six years: a story of how things can get out of hand when the police, prosecutors and judges join forces.

The broken trust and lack of credibility may necessitate a lot more effort, resource and time allocated to repair those relationships. While the U.S. was imagining a world without her, it could face a U.S. without the world.

What really is the so-called Islamic world? How accurate is it to describe a group of Muslim countries, incapable of taking charge of their future and resolving their own issues, as the Islamic world?

Turkish Presidential Race: Winner and Losers

There is less than a month to go before Turkey’s presidential elections but media is still not giving a clear view of vote

Turkish Presidential Race Winner and Losers
The Future of Democracy in Turkey II

The Future of Democracy in Turkey (II)

One of the most significant challenges for the future of a Turkish democracy is the formation of democratic institutions that will protect the democratic achievements of previous decades.


Why did the CHP and MHP endorse a candidate whose likely unsuccessful bid would create a political vacuum and drive their supporters toward feelings of defeat and victimhood?

Concerted action against repeated and unlawful aggression on the part of Israel, which behaves like an "anachronic colonial state," should start from demystification of its endless power perception and alleviation of various fears in the Muslim world.

There is an Israel problem in the Middle East and there are other crises that are gangrened around this issue. Different actors talk about the problem, but they themselves exploit the very same problem.

Democratization in Turkey has been a long and challenging process. Today, after decades of tutelage, Turkey is about to enter an irreversible path toward a more democratic country.