Back to the Future for Japan? (1)

In fact, 30 years of time travel demonstrated the unprecedented revival of Japan in terms of economy and technology.

Back to the Future for Japan 1
The Presidential Elections and the AK Party

The Presidential Elections and the AK Party

If Erdoğan is nominated and becomes president, in his capacity as the popularly elected president, he will continue to work with the government he has spearheaded.


AKP will retain power in Turkey only if it consolidates its party institutions and expands its constituency.

The peace process has so far led the movement to prioritize political participation over armed struggle as part of a broader notion of seeking representation as a left party with ethnic overtones.

The significance of domestic problems, and emerging strategic competition between India and China may reduce the risk of escalation with Pakistan for a while.

A parliamentary and technocratic commission should be formed to prepare a blueprint for a radical overhaul of Turkey's workplace security regime.

New Media Environments in Turkey

Since the Justice and Development Party's (AK Party) rule, the field diversified as mainstream and marginal media became more pluralized. Mainstream media has diversified and reflected societal demands, political positions and differences.

New Media Environments in Turkey
Ethnic Tensions in China and Geopolitics of the Uyghur Question

Ethnic Tensions in China and Geopolitics of the Uyghur Question

The recent events that took place in China's Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region are attracting further attention to the Uyghur question and ethnic conflict in the region.


Turkey is witnessing new versions of authoritarianism debates on its way to presidential elections.

In addition to having the power to influence the other elections, the president-elect who emerges from the presidential election, as the first president to have been elected by popular vote, will have to be a “different kind of president.”

President Obama's policies on these matters will have serious impacts on U.S. popularity in the world.

The opposition's pursuit of a unity candidate, already plagued with a number of practical problems, also goes against the nature of democratic politics by alienating the AK Party and promoting further polarization in Turkish politics.