Foreign Policy in 2011

Turkish foreign policy has entered a new phase, and it is highly possible that this phase will prove to be a breaking point.

Foreign Policy in 2011
Overused Questions on Model and Threat

Overused Questions on Model and Threat

If we are to talk about a model, it must be the Camp David model which was imposed in our region for decades. It is a model that captured people’s will and gave it to dictators by force.


Following the leak of the Palmer Report to the New York Times, Turkey declared that it considered the report null and reduced its diplomatic relations with Israel to the second Secretary level.

Conspiracy theories are instruments of creative thinking. Yet, there is a huge difference between creative thinking and insisting on selective facts that only align with a theory.

Turkey is so involved in developments in the Middle East that it cannot be a mere spectator to what is currently taking place.

SETA’s public seminar “Seeking Justice And Accountability: Rights Abuses And The Arab Uprisings” brought together Joe Stork and Jan Egeland of Human Rights Watch to discuss human rights in foreign policy making, and efforts to advocate for human rights and influence regimes like that in Syria which has turned a deaf ear to calls to end the brutal clampdown on demonstrators.

The Effect of the Arab Spring on Turkey

Turkey has refreshed its social and historical memory of each and every country that experienced change and revolution.

The Effect of the Arab Spring on Turkey
Turkey's Effect on Arab Spring

Turkey's Effect on Arab Spring

Relations with the region have been multi-faceted, encompassing diplomatic, economic and civil society dimensions since 2002.


The withdrawal seemed to be an achievement of the Palestinians and a positive step towards peace by the Israelis.

In the past decade, Turkey moved towards more domestic democracy - while its neighbourhood changed in fundamental ways.

Critics say Turkey's Syria policy doesn't work because Assad is not reforming but the critics are wrong.

Turkey’s long-standing Kurdish issue was also mentioned in the commentaries as a major issue that awaited a comprehensive solution.