Do Syrians Have a Choice?

The transformation of peaceful protesters into armed revolutionaries was triggered not by choice, but by necessity and obligation.

Do Syrians Have a Choice
Turkey's Approach to Syria's Kurds Ignores Potential Gains

Turkey's Approach to Syria's Kurds Ignores Potential Gains

Turkey should recognize that the neighbors with which it will likely share its longest borders are not Syria and Iraq, but Kurdish political entities.


Iran has to change its perspective on the region if it really wants to become a determining factor in the region post-al-Assad.

High-ranking officers who were killed in the blast in Syria also took away the regime’s immunity, the mutual trust of those in the regime’s inner circle and the loyalty of the army.

Syria and Israel are two semi-states which base their identities on pretended hostility.

The PKK, which missed by a long shot the transformation both Turkey and the Middle East undertook as evidence by the more blood it continues to shed, will continue to be a burden to the Kurds.

Turkey and Saudi Arabia: Newly Discovered Partners?

Due to their different regime types and ideologically-oriented foreign policies, relations between Turkey and Saudi Arabia did not progress throughout the 20th century.

Turkey and Saudi Arabia Newly Discovered Partners
A new Phenomenon of Assadism

A new Phenomenon of Assadism!

Those who insisted that al-Assad was there to stay for a long time, after a bomb went off in Damascus, moved onto the second propaganda phase.


Russia is now about to pay the cost for its decision to invest in al-Assad -- a decision Russia has difficulty justifying even to itself.

If Turkey’s CHP believes that they are up to the task of running the country, the Syrian crisis may serve as a great opportunity to convince the still doubtful voters.

Hafez al-Assad, with his collaborative strategies, his power of control and cruelty, corresponds to Vito Corleone.

The Syrian regime, with its latest move, has cleared the path for Turkey to be a more legitimate and involved actor of the current crisis.