Egypt's Foreign Policy Under Mohamed Morsi

One of the fundamental issues and the source of ‘fear’ for many in the West after the revolution in Egypt was a possible radical change in the foreign policy area. But what has changed in the foreign policy of Egypt after the revolution?

Egypt's Foreign Policy Under Mohamed Morsi
Obama Israel and the New Middle East

Obama, Israel and the New Middle East

As long as the U.S. insists on the old order of the Middle East via its support for Israel, it will soon no longer possess the necessary political software to deal with the new Middle East.


What are the chances that the actual object of fear is a stable post-al-Assad Syria? In the aftermath of turmoil and chaos, the newly achieved stability is expected to rest upon a Sunni demographic with a hint of Islamist politics.

The United States that had actualized the Marshall Plan to rebuild Europe at the end of the Second World War, today, with the Marshall Islands vote, trapped the Middle Eastern politics between a political rock and a hard place.

The U.S.-Turkey relationship took on a fresh dynamic with the onset of the Arab Spring in early 2011.

By creating restricted political openings, as was the case in the early 1990s, the king intended to coopt some opposition parties, which had been previously excluded from the political system.

Why is Al-Assad Stils Standing?

Having lost its hold on the majority of the country, the al-Assad regime is now ensconced in Damascus.

Why is Al-Assad Stils Standing
US-Turkey Relations in The AK Party Decade

US-Turkey Relations in The AK Party Decade

Today, a new Turkey as a regional power is faced with a new US effort to reconsider its role in the region and around the globe.


The military regime, after having kept its cool during the revolution and the parliamentary elections, went on the offensive right before the presidential elections and intervened in politics.

Turkey in 2013 will have the potential to stand out as an island of political stability and security both regionally and globally.

It would be accurate to interpret the United States’ and the West’s increasing interest in Syria as a rush to secure a role in the scenario in which the Baath regime is nearing its end.

The people’s peaceful protest is imperative and a national duty, until the army responds and announces its support for the people.”