"Defeating Israel in Washington!"

The irony of the fate is that President of the United States Barack Obama had to broker Israel’s or the Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s defeat to Turkey in the Middle East - though he could not wrestle with Israel in Washington.

quot Defeating Israel in Washington quot
Sometimes an apology is just an apology

Sometimes an apology is just an apology!

Whatever happens, relations between the two countries cannot and will not reach the high level of cooperation between Turkey’s pro-coup elites and Israel in the late 1990s.


In addition to a big plus in the diplomatic success column of Turkey, for the sake of being realistic however, the structural issues such as the Turkish-Israeli conflict over the regional vision and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, etc. should be taken into consideration.

On March 22, a panel on the Syrian Revolution was organized and hosted by the Foundation for Political, Economic and Social Research (SETA) in Ankara. Panelists were two leading figures of the Syrian opposition.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas’ visit was a quid pro quo for the active role Turkey played during the voting process.

The United States (US) and the West wait to see clearly who will win and when in Syria. While waiting, however, they lose both in Syria and in the region.

Fears and Expectations of Sykes-Picot

Turkey, needs assure that the Kurdish peoples, independent from the PKK, can exist on the agenda on a positive note in the post Assad period.

Fears and Expectations of Sykes-Picot
US' Report Card on Syria

US' Report Card on Syria

The question of what kind of a Syria would be formed after the revolution is still a legitimate one for the US, and the US does not want to take action before finding a satisfactory answer in favor of its regional priorities.


Perhaps from now on, Tunisia should adopt an approach prioritizing social dynamics without pushing the new constitution process aside.

Although Assad and the apparatus of security that surrounded him managed to survive, their obstinacy left Syria in ruins.

Özkan: “The death of Hugo Chavez signifies the end of a period in Latin America’s political history.”

Although a clear, distinctive line exists between anti-Zionism and anti-Semitism, Israeli circles have a tendency to distort the meaning of anti-Semitism in a way to include anti- Zionism as part of it.