"The constitution writing process is going on."

Research director of SETA Foundation in DC, Kadir Üstün speaks to The Stream on Kurdish question.

quot The constitution writing process is going on quot
Syria and Lebanon

Syria and Lebanon

Hezbollah continues to recklessly spend the capital it has built with its resistance against Israel on the Baath regime.


If the Kurds want to realize their demand they must first become one of the main actors of the resistance movement to depose al-Assad in a way that does not leave room for doubt.

Another approach to the analysis of the Syrian crisis is to acknowledge the massacres committed by the Assad regime, but in the end, to own up the analyses mentioned above.

A country which really wants to engage in a war would not have carried out an active diplomacy with Syria for six months and with international community for thirteen months.

Turkey’s definitive stance on the issue shifted the Syrian resistance’s regional dynamics and event the faith of the Syrian regime.

Syria, the UN and the US

The only way the U.S. can take a constructive role in the Middle East in the aftermath of the Arab uprisings is to follow a foreign policy that is realistic and geared towards restoring justice.

Syria the UN and the US
Arab Spring the Motion Picture

Arab Spring the Motion Picture?

The majority of those who claim that the Arab Spring has become an Arab Winter due to the violence that erupted in reaction to the obscene movie also happen to think that the Arab Spring itself was a motion picture.


The al-Maliki government, particularly in the past year, has employed the most ordinary Baathist strategies.

Had Erdoğan supported the Baath regime or had he remained a spectator, as the opposition demanded, it would have taken him only months to do the political harm to himself that his adversaries could in decades.

Syria today is a place where cities are being annihilated, tens of thousands civilians are being massacred, and hundreds of thousands are forced to become refugees.

Does the PKK, in the context of Turkey’s Kurdish question, intend to lay down its arms under any circumstance?