The Turkish Political Calendar and the Egyptian ‘Revolution'

We can assess where exactly Egypt falls on the “revolution” and “change” spectrum by tracing the “times” of Egypt post-Mubarak through the lenses of the Turkish political “calendar.

The Turkish Political Calendar and the Egyptian Revolution'
The Future of the European Union Is it Under Threat

The Future of the European Union: Is it Under Threat?

Europe—which shaped the world during the colonial period and created a dominant discourse for military, economy and politics—is today fighting for its very survival.


The results of this litmus test will be utilized in the new Middle East numerous times!

The round table underlined the significance of Russia and Iran in the Syrian crisis, while highlighting the inefficiency of regional and international organizations.

“Should al-Assad step down, disaster will ensue.” This assumption not only asserts that a region with al-Assad is possible, but it insists that it would in fact be better. Is that really so? 

The massacre in Houla last week demonstrated once again that not much has changed since the uprisings started in Syria. The Baathist regime continues to kill in front of the whole world.

For the First Time a Candidate is Elected in Egypt

The practice of universal suffrage in Egypt, without limitations on gender and ethnicity, is a hopeful sign for the region.”

For the First Time a Candidate is Elected in Egypt
A Violent Stalemate How to Tackle Syria Crisis

A Violent Stalemate: How to Tackle Syria Crisis?

SETA PANEL Moderator: Ufuk Ulutaş, SETA Foundation Speakers: Steven Heydemann, United States Institute of Peace (USIP) Muhittin Ataman, Abant İzzet Baysal University  Date/Time: May 25, 2012, FRIDAY 14:00  Venue: SETA Ankara room, ANKARA


The Arab world is going through fundamental social and political transformation. By the end of 2010, Arab states were stagnant and paralyzed.

The Annan Plan was a miracle plan that could have benefited, in the short term, all those who were not disturbed by the bloodshed.

The final leg of support for the Syrian Ba’ath regime’s geopolitical comfort zone was the political climate generated by the other dictatorships in the area.

The Arab uprisings in early 2011 provided the US and Turkey with an opportunity and a necessity to discover new forms of cooperation and policy coordination due to the urgency for action on the ground.